Hey guys,

I'm having some difficulties with my authentication code. I'm wondering if
anyone can point me in the right direction.

I have 3 routes set. admin / adminjudge / judge.

admin + adminjudge are hardcoded logins as they will never change and use
the User model to authenticate.
judge uses the Judge model.

I have the judge working nicely and it uses the Judge model alright.

But something is a bit awol in my beforeFilter and isAuthorized etc code.

Where is the best place to put the code for my login process?

Upon logging in I need to ensure that I have set the correct layout (each
route uses its own layout) and I need to redirect the user to the correct
place upon login.

Where should it all go? At the moment I have very messy code in the
beforeFilter and isAuthorized but I'm not 100% clued up on where it should
all go.

Could someone shed some light on the situation?

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