Nice preaching!

On Jun 7, 3:44 am, kangaroo <> wrote:
> On Jun 5, 1:57 pm, Khmer Young <> wrote:
> > Congratulation Xangaroon for your full time job hired by the Cee Pee
> > Pee to fully deviate and divide Khmer people. Of course, you have come
> > in a wrong place since the beginning. Your tactic can succeed only in
> > Cambodia among peasants, currupted officers and new breeds of those
> > corrupted officers; but in here you are trying to do in a useless
> > thing. In Cambodia, Hun Sen and the Cee Pee Pee has successfully
> > manipulated the Cambodians via its dominant mass media. But major
> > Cambodians are following CPP because of fear, not that personal
> > satisfying.
> First of all, the subject of this discussion was the invitation to a
> party for Mr Rainsy.
> I gave my two cents about it. Then we went back and forth. For some
> reasons, that subject has turned into a discussion of one's
> personality. What kind of discussion is that?
> As I have said all along, Cambodian behavior acts as such. They attack
> a person personally when they can't stand the discussion of a subject,
> whether it's right or wrong.
> Any discussion has been that way. They can't have any meaning
> discussion. They want only their own way. Any other ways must be
> wrong. How can a society function as a united country? It's
> impossible.
> I don't know about you. As far as I know Hun Sen is a Cambodian who
> has every right to do anything in Cambodia as many others. He can be
> prime minister if he likes. You may not like him. Many others do.
> Don't come out and tell us that those soldiers, CPP, and thousands
> followers are doing it because they are fear of Hun Sen. I don't
> believe it.
> My friend,
> You must study deeper into the society. Put yourself as an independent
> mind. Look back at the history. Cambodian society has been corrupted
> and impunity. That's why the haves and the have nots go away from each
> other. The rich gets richer while the poor gets poorer. It has been
> that way for many decades.
> Now we hate so much of the Khmer Rouge movement. However, we cannot
> forget what they said about their movement. They based on peasants
> because they said that peasants were suppressed by higher class people
> for a very long time. They wanted to make it equal.
> Do you know much those peasants venged their anger toward their own
> society?
> Ofcourse, they killed and killed and brought their own country down to
> ground zero.
> So don't think that only this Cambodians are right. Lookat all sides.
> > In this online world, you are only going to destroy your masters by
> > your mouthing. Sometime, you might be fired because of your failure
> > mission. But I suggest you to join with Tiny Bora for the greater
> > attack on those dissents against the CPP.
> Ok! now let me ask you again about the party.
> Some people said that Sam Rainsy's party is not a fundraiser. Why do
> they ask for 20 dollars per person?
> Can one go over there without paying that money just to listen to Sam
> Rainsy?
> Ofcourse not. That's the point. Sam Rainsy doesn't preach to everyone.
> He does it only to those who give him money.
> Am I right?
> If I am wrong, can you explain it to me?

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