Wednesday, June 30, 2010  Are Khmers affected by the psychological

Vietnamese might know very well that to insert such psychological statement
benefits more in dividing and disappointing Khmers...after the war, Khmers
cannot stand up again...Khmers are so weary now...and psychologists said
"major Khmers might halt their struggle" etc

The win-win strategy has appeared in many faces including the Vietnamese
popular practicing: "divide and conquer" or "carrot and stick" or "borrow
your sword to slaughter you" or "kill them don't let them die immediately"
etc. From now on, you can mindfully check the causes of Khmer fighting
against Khmers. The division have possibly been planned by the Vietnamese.
Saying this, not only Cambodians in Cambodia, Cambodian communities and
diaspora in abroad are also full of Vietnamese-Khmer who have utilized all
their talents to divide the Khmers.

Don't forget the Khmer proverb saying that "one fool Vietnamese is equal to
10 wise Khmers". My personal observation, I has seen Vietnamese-Khmers have
extremely expressed hatred towards Vietnamese more than the Khmers. And many
those Vietnamese-Khmers have always talked to the Khmers such as "Cambodia
is totally controlled by the Vietnamese, or Vietnamese spies are everywhere
in Cambodia, or stop studying because Vietnamese have taken all jobs, or the
Khmer Rouge is so brutal, or Lon Nol is the main cause of war, or if they
support CPP they will curse at SRP badly, or if they support SRP they will
curse at CPP badly...etc".

So all these are coming with intent. The intent to psychologically frighten

Vietnamese might know very well that to insert such psychological statement
benefits more in dividing and disappointing Khmers...after the war, Khmers
cannot stand up again...Khmers are so weary now...and psychologists said
"major Khmers might halt their struggle" etc

I don't look down our Khmer compatriots, but in some situation we have
accept our flaws.

In short, Khmer public images (leaders) should not merely made a statement
that affect the psychopath of Cambodians amid this complicate denominational



Cambodian Brighter Future depends on enduring conscience and tireless
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