I don't take side if Sam Rainsy has opposed everything the government
has done, it would be bad. If so, SRP has to change their strategy

But as I know, CPP under Hun Sen's leadership has never relaxed in
dehumanize their opponents...what do you think in this aspect? What do
you think about good products by commanding others to absolutely
follow, not to oppose?


On Jun 30, 1:31 pm, kangaroo <therabbitn...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On Jun 30, 10:02 am, Khmer Young <khmeryo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Sam Rainsy claimed about the encroachment and imperialism of Vietnam
> > over Cambodia: and you said you he is the divider?
> Please do tell me when and how Sam Rainsy has united Cambodians for
> the sake of their national interest.
> As far as I know, Sam Rainsy has been claiming to be the opposition
> leader. He is leading a party against any others including CPP. All of
> them are Cambodian factions. If Sam Rainsy is good for Cambodia, he
> puts Cambodian national interest before everything else.
> Unfortunately, Sam Rainsy is trying to side other nation and accuse
> other parties of this and that.
> Do you remember the Khmer Rouge accused their own people of being
> traitors, cia, kgb etc.......?
> Sam Rainsy is not different from that. He just has a very different
> ideology.
> He called others of CPP and Hun Sen as Vietnamese. His tactic was to
> arouse people of Cambodia to hate Hun Sen and CPP. He knew that
> Cambodians would not side Vietnamese.
> My friend, Sam Rainsy lost because Cambodians knew better.
> That is the dividing factor of Sam Rainsy.
> > How about Hun Sen who has always claimed about controversy of: Lon
> > Nol, Pol Pot including King Sihanouk is not a divider?
> We are not discussing about those matters. Actually, I have written
> extensively about those people. Perhaps, you ignore to understand
> them.
> I wish Sam Rainsy can be a good leader because I know anyone who
> promote democracy. Unfortunately, Sam Rainsy cannot do it because he
> has no intention to make the whole Cambodia better. He only wants his
> > Hun Sen is in power and control all mass media to attract Cambodians;
> > Sam Rainsy is non.
> So are we supposed to like Sam Rainsy then?
> > So, in your idea who is the divider, and who is more powerful in
> > dividing Cambodians?
> Sam Rainy is a number one divider. He has not intention to make
> everyone united for the sake of rebuilding Cambodia. Anything of CPP
> must be wrong. Anything with Hun Sen must be wrong. Only Sam Rainsy is
> right. That is a bad ingredient for Cambodia.
> As I have been saying all along. I am no fan of Hun Sen. However, Hun
> Sen and CPP have been in the leadership of Cambodia a very long time,
> and you see their products before your eyes. They are not hiding it.
> What have Sam Rainsy done to compare to that?
> None.
> Sam Rainsy is only showing the opposition. His party is opposing
> everything of Hun Sen and CPP. What kind of act are you calling? Isn't
> it a dividing act?
> Ofcourse, it is.

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