Let break the circle of the political game of putting Cambodians into the
Political Analysis Today

We, Cambodians, should stand with her to peacefully habitat the biased court
system of Cambodia. If you don't do now, this controversial case of court
will physiologically jail all Cambodian people...Cambodian people will
become the hostage of this bad exemplary court judgment...it is the same
like the supplemental border treaty in 2005 between Cambodia and Vietnam has
become the handcuff and prison cell for all Cambodians...it is absolutely
putting Cambodians as the political hostage.

Op-Ed by Khmer Young <http://cambodianbrightfutue.blogspot.com/>

The nickname Khmer in
likely the central brain of divider. His comment is nothing else
important than to targeting his goal of dividing Khmers among Khmers.

We all here know well that Mu Sochua is Khmer, Hun Sen is Khmer and Sam
Rainsy is Khmer...we all Khmers, we speak the same voice that Khmers are
Khmers and we are sharing common interest although sometime we are fighting
against each other, for instance like the case of NEC and MP Sam Rainsy, or
the case of MP Mu Sochua and PM Hun Sen.

Like MP Mu Sochua is very polite with with all her speech towards PM Hun Sen
by calling Somdech Hun Sen, and she has firmly claimed to the public that
her case is not about fighting to win or to loss with PM Hun Sen, but to
enable the betterment of the judicial system of Cambodia which has been
continually criticized by experts, Cambodian people, foreign aids, human
right watches, news reporters and observers as politicized, biased and
irrelevant for the justice approaches towards the farmers, the poors and the

The case of MP Mu Sochua began with the derogatory speech of PM Hun Sen in
Kompot province referred to a Khmer woman who is a lawmaker. His speech
included "unbuttoned or exposed her bra" and "Sattrey cheoung klang or
strong leg woman". This is a sexual harassment towards woman.

MP Mu Sochua's strong stance is to collectively and positively impact the
current court system of Cambodia. The injustice an biased trial have come
along with following stigmas:

First, MP Mu Sochua's lawyer had been jeopardized. Finally, her lawyer had
to quit to be her defendant. After that MP Mu Sochua couldn't afford lawyer
to defend her (they might be threatened or scared by the government). Then
MP Mu Sochua was pitifully defending her case by herself at the court.

Second, her lawsuit against PM Hun Sen to protect herself from public stunt
has become a countersuit by PM Hun Sen which is rarely happening in the
world of court system. Her lawsuit was likely shamefully twisted.

Third, her lawsuit was rejected by the municipal court, appeal court and
supreme court. All these three levels of court concluded the same thing: MP
Mu Sochua's case is illegitimate, but Hun Sen's case is legitimate.
Observers have spontaneously concluded that these tertiary court are totally
favouritistic, nepotistic and subservient to the powerful...

Until now, the ultimatum has delayed to July 16 to pressure MP Mu Sochua to
submit herself to this biased judgment by paying the fine to both PM Hun Sen
and national treasury in the amount of nearly 2000$ each. Phay Siphan has
claimed towards what CPP's supporters said before by elaborating that the
case doesn't reflect the court system but to only individual between MP Mu
Sochua and PM Hun Sen. Minister Cabinet spokesman's rebuttal speech towards
concern of UN Human Rights Chief Navi Pillay is tend to avoid the actual
politicized court and nepotistic court system of Cambodia. Siphan might has
no will to reform the court, but Siphan is intending to lower down his Decho
Hun Sen to the level of conflict between a man and a woman (?).

However, those dividing messages and rebuttal statements made by many
government spokesmen don't prevail any genuine interest to Cambodian people,
but to avoid facing the serious issues of judiciary system occurring inside
Cambodian society.

Hence, MP Mu Sochua has stood up and firmly maintained her stance to handle
those serious issues; and her commitment and dedication must be appraised by
all Cambodian people, all leaders of the government and the international

We, Cambodians, should stand with her to peacefully habitat the biased court
system of Cambodia. If you don't do now, this controversial case of court
will physiologically jail all Cambodian people...Cambodian people will
become the hostage of this bad exemplary court judgment...it is the same
like the supplemental border treaty in 2005 between Cambodia and Vietnam has
become the handcuff and prison cell for all Cambodians...it is absolutely
putting Cambodians as the political hostage.

...Stop the circle of the political game of putting Cambodians into the
political hostage...


Cambodian Brighter Future depends on enduring conscience and tireless
strivings of Cambodian Younger Generation!

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