Some of your aspects are not that bad. Younger generation of Cambodia
surely pursue highest esteem in destining their nation. I am very
proud in among them, and I am hopefully to lead a change for the the
chronic of Cambodia disease.

However, your writing is not that helping to bring self-dependency and
true change of Cambodia.


On Dec 25, 9:31 am, Neak Kampuchea <> wrote:
> Is this the so-called Khmer culture foundation heritage that is self-
> evaluated as highly superior as others?
> The answer is no...!
> This foundation has been the cause of social disintegration, in other
> words Khmer social breakdown.
> Please beware to examine beloved Khmer stories as the following.
> 1000 years ago, Hinduism had taught Khmer people to eat fresh meat,
> drink goat or cow milk, explore new lands, in which, they kill hundred
> thousand different ethnic minority group resistant and then they had
> built thousand Khmer temples for establishing the so called Khmer
> empire.
> This Khmer Empire, Which had extended from South-China-sea to Burma in
> the east and to the North at China actual border, had lasted from
> 800AC to 1300 AC., during which peace and prosperity had been grown
> up.
> 300 years later, due to social and religious change, this Khmer Empire
> had begun to disintegrate and damage enormously its own original Khmer
> culture from 700 years ago.
> From that time Khmer people have been becoming week, unable to defend
> themselves with a very large size of Khmer Empire territories, causing
> several North West provinces to annex themselves to Siam.
> At the same time in Southern part of Kampuchea Krom had also been in
> the disintegration process until the arrival of French’s Colonial in
> 1863.
> Buddhism had been slowly and quietly coming since 900 AC and spreading
> strongly beginning 1500.AC , and in reverse, it’s taught Khmer people
> not to kill for food or for any other purpose, so that majority poor
> Khmer Buddhist believers eat dead meat and mostly spoiled salted
> fish.
> There were neither Khmer butchers nor Khmer fishermen.
> But there had still been existed a lot people, who needed fresh meat
> or fresh fishes, so that there had been questions that had raised how
> to get them without slaughtering animals following Buddhism
> teaching.
> This is the answer:
> Why Khmer religious leaders and Khmer politicians, at that time, had
> closed their eyes for allowing Vietnamese and Chinese settlements at
> the immigration sea gates, in Kampuchea Krom delta land since 500
> years ago, because these people could catch fresh fish and kill animal
> for getting fresh meat to supply Khmer food markets.
> Until 1920-1949 there still had been Khmer Krom idiot monks, at that
> time had been preaching to the local not to harm those immigrants, let
> them come for committing sin for us so that we, Khmer could get fresh
> fish and fresh meat as needed in the market for making foods offering
> to monks, as they thought that Vietnamese and Chinese settlement had
> been important for Khmer so that Khmer could be maintaining Buddhism
> without committing sin of killing for meat at all. This is the main
> point of Khmer social change for the long run.
> Businesses, which had been growing up, had encouraged more and more
> Vietnamese and Chinese to come and continued to come in million more
> when the arrival of French colonial in1863, at which Vietnamese and
> Viet-Chinese-Khmer integrated population had already been reached
> three times more than genuine Khmers remote isolated farmer groups in
> Kampuchea Krom (actual South Vietnam).
> Now Khmer Krom are becoming minority Khmer ethnic on they own land,
> and  their young generations are angry and pointing finger to
> Cambodian mainland leaders without realizing that this disastrous
> fault had been committed by their own Khmer Krom ancestors in the past
> at the Deep South land.
> Is this the true fact of Vietnamese invasion? Or just Vietnamese and
> Chinese economic migrant settlement since 500 years ago before
> immigration law had been known to be adopted in relevance to
> internationals?
> French colonial had also openly wide, received million and million new
> Chinese arrivals with no need to carryout any paper works at all, for
> just a quick filling empty economic growth in Indo-China as the whole
> because at that time local indigenous (native) Khmer, Lao even Vet
> ethnic  are mostly farmers.
> But solely for unfortunate Khmer people, there had been 85% Buddhist
> farmer followers were self-malnutrition inflicted because they avoided
> killing for fresh meat. They just eat spoiled salted fish or dead
> meat. They never raised pigs and chicken for meat but they did only
> bulls, cows and buffaloes not for killing for meat but only for farm
> works, and they will also eat their meat when those animals die from
> what ever their causes, even from disease.
> They turned idiots on blaming each other as they have no intelligence
> for use to solving any problem facing them.
> At the top, Khmer leaders did not do anything for protecting their own
> people, as they believed that anything is going to be fine with Buddha
> fellowship.
> They do thing just for protecting themselves under the name of Nation,
> Religion and King. They like to promoted and continue promoting
> several Khmer social classes, which is a hidden strategy for making
> more thicker their personal security protection walls from thousand
> and thousand high class leaders, under each of which there are hundred
> and hundred bodyguards, excluding state military and police officers
> All these things do not characterize a democracy principal at all. But
> it’s is a driving force for invisibly urging all Cambodian people to
> be obligated crawling and bowing before the king and before upper
> classes, which include: Samdech, Oknha, Chumteav, Ek-Odorm, Lok-
> Sethey, and Lok-Machass.
> These high class people rule over Cambodian majority low class farmers
> and workers.
> Is this the so called Khmer culture foundation heritage that is self-
> evaluated as highly superior as others?
> For that reason why Cambodian Government must do everything for
> keeping standstill the same Khmer culture model, ranging from always
> keeping same Khmer different social classes, same respectful Khmer
> usage language  toward high classes, Khmer style of cloth, of art,
> music, dance and Khmer way of life, as always bending before the so
> called Khmer upper celebrity.
> This action is an appearance for political and cultural domestic
> consumption temporary serving this very ugly social stability in the
> face of internationals.
> But this self-proclaimed highly valuable Khmer foundation culture and
> the so called wonder of Cambodia will probably be slowly extinguished
> with no way to stop its, in the face of universal impact, actually
> coming into Cambodia under the name of ASEAN’s policy, World bank
> experts, IMF, NGO and UN rules as well.
> Young Cambodian generation of Khmer or none Khmer national have
> naturally mindset for willing to get something new, as other nationals
> people around the world routinely do.
> This is the real natural human rights, that no one can stop its. They
> says yes Sir, or yes Madam, before hardliner advisers, but their
> mindsets always secretly lead them to something new, from the changing
> world though Education, TV, Internet, tourism and immigration. They
> read news, email and massage back and forth everything to each other
> and will probably become civilized and knowledgeable citizen, aren’t
> they?
> When educated Cambodian youngsters turn back to see their own
> stagnated mother Khmer culture, they will feel too hard to understand
> and to accept; because holding the break on Khmer ethnic culture not
> to advance as it should be for too long, will probably create a big
> gap between genuine Khmer ethnic culture and global advancing impact.
> Please be understood that creating a big gap between genuine ethnic
> Khmer culture and universal change impact, will produce a complete
> dissolution of Khmer nationalism.
> And young Cambodian generation will slowly change and change their
> minds for ever with no way to stop them by any mean except God.
> Look, this is what happening right now. Under the tremendous influence
> of World Bank and I M F, Cambodian Government needs to set a strong
> institutional infrastructure network for the country to work with
> efficiency and also at the same time for replacing retired officials
> and a push for potential economic development.
> For accomplishing this entire task requirement, government needs
> urgent thousand new schools hundred new universities with
> international curriculum standard and English. So there are now
> younger collage graduates each years coming up in the range of
> thousand and thousand and in millions in a few years ahead as the
> whole Cambodian young generations are flocking more and more for
> education.
> Those young and fresh Cambodian will probably change Cambodia to a
> full democratic state with no one could stop them.
> Please be understood that all electronic devises such as TV, Cell
> phone, internet, optic cable, I phone, I pod, Google, satellite TV,
> GMS, laser, and Nuclear fusion is going into reality in 2020, for
> sure.
> How Cambodia could resist English as a second language within the
> whole ASEAN.
> Good judgment isn’t it?
> Thank you very much, Neak Kampuchea.

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