Le 8 mars 2012 à 15:12, Gerd Stolpmann a écrit :

> Am Donnerstag, den 08.03.2012, 14:58 +0100 schrieb Sebastien Ferre:
>> Hi,
>> I am considering developping an OCaml
>> application using Lablgtk2 for the GUI,
>> and using ocaml-java/Nickel for calling
>> a Java library (namely, OWL-API). I am
>> working on Linux.
>> Has anybody tried this ? I am a bit afraid
>> of potential dependency problems...
> This cannot work. ocaml-java is running in a JVM, but lablgtk2 is
> written for the standard runtime, and assumes standard conventions for
> the C bindings it needs.

A first option would be to use a Java toolkit to develop the GUI
(AWT, Swing, SWT…).

I have spent quite a lot of time lately on OCaml-Java and made
some important improvements. Performances are now quite
acceptable (always faster than OCaml bytecode and "not so far"
from native code), and it is possible to call Java libraries without
using Nickel.

However, it is still now clear when OCaml-Java 2.0 will be released ;
moreover, it will be of "alpha" quality at first.

So, if you have to develop your application in the next month and/or
need to use stable software, then use
as suggested by Gerd.


Xavier Clerc

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