Alain Frisch wrote:
> DESMONS Bertrand wrote:
> > It is really strange for me... 'ls' recognizes liblapack.a, but I
> don't
> > see it using 'dir' ... ? There is also no liblapack.a.lnk, but isn't
> that
> > due to the fact that liblapack.a is a symbolic link?

Try dir /a - perhaps the attributes on the .lnk file are weird... which
might also be the cause of the problem if it's got hidden or system
attributes set for some reason.
> As far as I understand Cygwin, if liblapack.a is a Cygwin symlink,
> there
> should really be a file liblapack.a.lnk in the directory. I don't
> understand what is going on.
> -- Alain

Could be a longshot - but might this be related to an issue I reported
building MinGW PCRE a month or so ago. In order to get PCRE to link, I had
to rename the actual libpcre.a to libpcre.a.old (i.e. get rid of it) and
then rename libpcre.dll.a to libpcre.a. I can't remember what the error
message was.

I think that the problem is something to do with GNU libtool - which gcc's
linker presumably understands but flexlink doesn't... but I didn't get a
related answer to


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