Thanks for your information Bob.

I have succeeded on integrating LDAP with CAS 4.0 some time back. I have 
used LDAP Supporting Direct Bind configuration without SSL and pooling.

I would post the steps soon.


On Tuesday, June 3, 2014 11:13:06 PM UTC+5:30, Lapanja, Bob@POST wrote:
>  I recently migrated to CAS 4.0 using LDAP.  I didn’t need nor use the 
> sslConfig attribute or bean.  As for the search filter, the documentation 
> uses {user} instead of %u.  That’s also what I used and it worked.
> The only places I deviated from the documentation you linked to (for the 
> LDAP Requiring Authenticated Search section) were:
> 1) I didn’t use sslConfig
> 2) I had to set subtreeSearch to true on my 
> org.ldaptive.auth.PooledSearchDnResolver
> 3) Some of the properties in the xml config don’t match the properties 
> file below (e.g. ${ldap.managerDn} and ${ldap.managerPassword} in the xml, 
> but ${ldap.authn.managerDN} and ${ldap.authn.managerPassword} in the 
> properties file), so I had to verify those were all named the same thing.
> 4) I had to add an org.ldaptive.auth.SearchEntryResolver to 
> org.ldaptive.auth.Authenticator to handle objectGuid.
> 5) changed %u to {user} in my search filter.
> If we do not have ssl connection for ldap, is the following config 
> necessary:
> <bean id="connectionConfig" class="org.ldaptive.ConnectionConfig"
>       p:ldapUrl="${ldap.url}"
>       p:connectTimeout="${ldap.connectTimeout}"
>       p:useStartTLS="${ldap.useStartTLS}"
>       p:sslConfig-ref="sslConfig"/>
> <bean id="sslConfig" class="org.ldaptive.ssl.SslConfig">
>     <property name="credentialConfig">
>         <bean class="org.ldaptive.ssl.X509CredentialConfig"
>               p:trustCertificates="${ldap.trustedCert}" />
>     </property>
> </bean>
> Also our ldap parameters were as following:
> ldap.userDn=uid=admin,ou=People,o=organization
> ldap.manager.password=password12345
> Do we need any changes in ldap.userDn, values for CAS 4.0?
> If there is any guide/document related to CAS 4.0 with ldap setup, please 
> provide reference url. 
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