I have a CAS server on and am upgrading it to 4.0.  In my 
deployerConfigContext.xml I have the following beans defined:

                <!-- This ldapAuthHandler bean used to be of type 
org.jasig.cas.adaptors.ldap.BindLdapAuthenticationHandler prior to trying to 
upgrade... -->
                <bean id="ldapAuthHandler" 
                                <!-- several other properties here, omitted for 
brevity -->
                                <property name="contextSource" 
ref="contextSource" />

                <bean id="contextSource" 
                                <!-- lots of stuff -->

When I deploy this I get a runtime classpath saying that 
"org.springframework.ldap.core.support.LdapContextSource" doesn't exist. I 
looked at my pom.xml and see:


So I go into my local ~/.m2 cache and find cas-server-support-ldap's pom.xm; 
and I *don't* see it pulling in:


...like I expected it to (this was the behavior with  This explains 
why the upgrade to 4.0 is breaking, but for the life of me I can't find a good 
working example of LDAP-based auth in CAS 4.0. Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

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