CAS 3.4 not is compatible with 3.5 and therefore 4 branch.

The solution is easier that that link explains and could valid for all
versions. When somebody don't know techologies behind frameworks, appears
solutions as you had applied in your CAS 3.4.

In fact, that AuthenticationViaFormAction patch is not required due to the
flexibility of webflows. Have you tried to extend your Credentials bean
with the field and use a custom Spring validation annotation? All magic is
made transparentily when in your transitions put the validate="true".

I will kill the Captcha Servlet and Singleton and use the powerfull of
Spring beans describe here to customize your

- Code a bean extending from UsernamePasswordCredentials with a property,
e.g "captcha", and use it as a login flow credentials bean.
- Code a Spring Validator that use your captchaService to validate it from
request and session id.
- Map it in the binder to bind it in the view state as (MAGIC!!! That
binding line is the only you need to modify in 4.x login-webflow):

<view-state id="viewLoginForm" view="casLoginView" model="credentials">

            <binding property="username" />

            <binding property="password" />

            *<binding property="captcha" />*

            <set name="viewScope.commandName" value="'credentials'" />
<transition on="submit" bind="true" validate="true" to="realSubmit">
flowScope.credentials)" />

        <!-- CAS Password Manager Transitions -->
        <transition on="forgotPassword" to="passwordManager" validate=
            <set name="flashScope.pmTask" value="'forgotPassword'"/>
        <transition on="changePassword" to="passwordManager" validate=
            <set name="flashScope.pmTask" value="'changePassword'"/>

2014-06-16 12:25 GMT+02:00 Sunil Kalahasti <>:

> Hi Chitra !
> Do you have  any luck integrating JCaptcha with CAS 4  ?
> If so please inform the steps to accomplish.
> Thanks in advance,
> Sunil
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