On Thu, Jun 26, 2014 at 9:46 AM, Matthew B. Brookover
<mbroo...@mines.edu> wrote:
> On Tue, 2014-06-24 at 16:02 -0400, David Hawes wrote:
> mod_auth_cas cannot parse the <saml1p:StatusCode
> Value="saml1p:Success"/> part of this response.
> To get around this, either use git master or use the patch from
> https://github.com/Jasig/mod_auth_cas/pull/46/files.
> Hi David, I actually found the 1.0.10 in Git and did get it to work.  The
> rub was there is concern that it is beta code and the powers that run the
> production web servers are not sure they want beta code.  Any idea when the
> 1.0.10 will be packaged into a final release?
> I will grab the patch and try it out.

I would not personally have any problem running git master in
production (based on my own testing and reports from users that
everything is working well), but I understand the sentiment. Version
numbers are pretty arbitrary, and I would value my own testing to make
a decision, especially when there is much to gain from using master

Unfortunately, I have no idea when the next release will be tagged.

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