On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Haoxuan Zheng <jef...@mit.edu> wrote:
> If the answer is that we need to set up netboot to boot via dhcp+tftp+nfs,
> there is another constraint: we want our final system to make use of a
> combination of roach-1 and roach-2.
> We are going to have the server PC connected to both. Is there going to be a
> conflict between the versions when we try to set up the NFS for roach-2 as
> well?

The answer to this questin is yes.  Have the DHCP server give out
different network boot instructions to the roach 1's and 2's.  They're
at least distinguishable by mac address.  (You're using ISC dhcpd or
dnsmasq as your dhcp server, IIRC.)

If the roach 1's and 2's are really nice, they'll be directly
distinguishable as well by some dhcp option or the client identifier.
See, for example, http://linux.die.net/man/5/dhcpd.conf for how this
stuff works.


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