Thanks for the detailed report Nitish. I have a vague recollection that
this is something simple which might have to do with a previous install of
the title not being overwritten properly.

I'll dig through my notes and get back to you asap


On Wed, 20 Nov 2019, 12:02 am Nitish Ragoomundun, <> wrote:

> Thank you very much for your replies. I misunderstood the importance of
> the virtual environment. So I set it up like described in
> and
> Yes, I am using the latest version of mlib_devel. Found out that we
> absolutely needed the LD_PRELOAD variable set or else jasper made an error
> looking for symbols for XML...
> Yes, I think changing the shabang line to point to python3 might cause
> other issues. There might be other scripts down the pipeline with the same
> call to "python".
> Anyway, got the virtual env running and I thought we were good to go but
> got another error:
> XSG generation complete.
> ************************************
> *    Front End compile complete    *
> ************************************
> To complete your compile, run the following command in a terminal.
> Remember to source your startsg.local environment first!
> /home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/casper_venv/bin/python
> /home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/ -m
> /home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/Spectrum_Analyser/spectrum_480mhz_2048pts_3c.slx
> --middleware --backend --software
> ****************************************
> *  Frontend complete!                  *
> *  Running Backend generation          *
> ****************************************
> Starting compile
> Starting Toolflow!
> Frontend is simulink
> Setting compile directory:
> /home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/Spectrum_Analyser/spectrum_480mhz_2048pts_3c
> /home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/
> YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as
> the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for
> full details.
>   yaml_dict = yaml.load(fh)
> /home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/platforms/snap.yaml
> /home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/
> YAMLLoadWarning: calling yaml.load() without Loader=... is deprecated, as
> the default Loader is unsafe. Please read for
> full details.
>   self.conf = yaml.load(
> {'manufacturer': 'Xilinx', 'backend_target': 'vivado', 'sources': [],
> 'name': 'snap', 'invert_sfp_disable': True, 'pins': {'sync_out': {'iostd':
> 'LVCMOS25', 'loc': 'H9'}, 'lmx2581_muxout': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc':
> 'J19'}, 'mgt_tx_p': {'loc': ['P2', 'K2']}, 'usb_tx': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25',
> 'loc': 'J8'}, 'sync_in_p': {'iostd': 'LVDS_25', 'loc': 'AD25'}, 'zdok0':
> {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25', 'loc': ['AA23', 'AB24', 'Y25', 'Y26', 'U24', 'U25',
> 'U19', 'U20', 'T24', 'T25', 'M21', 'M22', 'M24', 'L24', 'L22', 'K22',
> 'J24', 'J25', 'G25', 'G26', 'Y22', 'AA22', 'Y23', 'AA24', 'V23', 'V24',
> 'R22', 'R23', 'R21', 'P21', 'P23', 'N23', 'K25', 'K26', 'K23', 'J23',
> 'H21', 'G21', 'G22', 'F23', 'AE23', 'AF23', 'AC23', 'AC24', 'W23', 'W24',
> 'T22', 'T23', 'R18', 'P18', 'N18', 'M19', 'N19', 'M20', 'J21', 'H22',
> 'G24', 'F24', 'D23', 'D24', 'AE22', 'AF22', 'AB26', 'AC26', 'V21', 'W21',
> 'U17', 'T17', 'R16', 'R17', 'P19', 'P20', 'P16', 'N17', 'J26', 'H26',
> 'E25', 'D25', 'F22', 'E23']}, 'adc_sdata': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS18', 'loc':
> ['AF2', 'AF9', 'W14']}, 'lmx2581_be': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': 'F15'},
> 'adc_sclk': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': ['M17', 'L18', 'K16']},
> 'clk_sel_a': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': ['A18']}, 'i2c': {'iostd': 'I2C',
> 'loc': ['', '', '', '', '', '', 'E18', 'B16', '', 'C16', '', '', '', '',
> '', '', '', '', 'J20', '', 'K20', '', 'E17', 'G19', '', '', '', '', 'C17',
> '', 'C18', 'C19', 'B19', '', 'A17', 'B17', 'D20', 'H18', '', 'H17']},
> 'sync_in_n': {'iostd': 'LVDS_25', 'loc': 'AE25'}, 'adc_lclkp': {'iostd':
> 'LVDS', 'loc': ['AA3']}, 'spi_flash_csn': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25', 'loc':
> 'C23'}, 'gpio': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25', 'loc': ['B21', 'C21', 'B20', 'A20',
> 'H24', 'H23', 'B26', 'R25', 'L17', 'K18']}, 'zdok0_p': {'iostd': 'LVDS_25',
> 'loc': ['AA23', 'Y25', 'U24', 'U19', 'T24', 'M21', 'M24', 'L22', 'J24',
> 'G25', 'Y22', 'Y23', 'V23', 'R22', 'R21', 'P23', 'K25', 'K23', 'H21',
> 'G22', 'AE23', 'AC23', 'W23', 'T22', 'R18', 'N18', 'N19', 'J21', 'G24',
> 'D23', 'AE22', 'AB26', 'V21', 'U17', 'R16', 'P19', 'P16', 'J26', 'E25',
> 'F22']}, 'led': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25', 'loc': ['C13', 'C14', 'D13', 'D14',
> 'E12', 'E13']}, 'adc2_out': {'iostd': 'LVDS', 'loc': ['AF14', 'AF15',
> 'AD15', 'AE15', 'AE18', 'AF18', 'AF19', 'AF20', 'AA14', 'AA15', 'AC14',
> 'AD14', 'AB19', 'AB20', 'AA19', 'AA20']}, 'lmx2581_le': {'iostd':
> 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': 'J16'}, 'zdok0_n': {'iostd': 'LVDS_25', 'loc': ['AB24',
> 'Y26', 'U25', 'U20', 'T25', 'M22', 'L24', 'K22', 'J25', 'G26', 'AA22',
> 'AA24', 'V24', 'R23', 'P21', 'N23', 'K26', 'J23', 'G21', 'F23', 'AF23',
> 'AC24', 'W24', 'T23', 'P18', 'M19', 'M20', 'H22', 'F24', 'D24', 'AF22',
> 'AC26', 'W21', 'T17', 'R17', 'P20', 'N17', 'H26', 'D25', 'E23']},
> 'mgt_rx_n': {'loc': ['R3', 'L3']}, 'eth_clk_p': {'loc': ['K6']}, 'mosi':
> {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': 'J20'}, 'lmx2581_data': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33',
> 'loc': 'J15'}, 'rpi_header': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': ['', '', '', '',
> '', '', 'E18', 'B16', '', 'C16', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'J20', '',
> 'K20', '', 'E17', 'G19', '', '', '', '', 'C17', '', 'C18', 'C19', 'B19',
> '', 'A17', 'B17', 'D20', 'H18', '', 'H17']}, 'mgt_rx_p': {'loc': ['R4',
> 'L4']}, 'lmx2581_ce': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': 'G15'}, 'clk_sel_b':
> {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': ['A19']}, 'usb_rts': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25',
> 'loc': 'J13'}, 'sfp_disable': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25', 'loc': ['U21', 'N16']},
> 'xadc_n': {'loc': 'P11'}, 'cs_n': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': 'G19'},
> 'lmx2581_clk': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33', 'loc': 'H16'}, 'adc0_out': {'iostd':
> 'LVDS', 'loc': ['V2', 'V1', 'U2', 'U1', 'W6', 'W5', 'U7', 'V6', 'V3', 'W3',
> 'Y3', 'Y2', 'AD6', 'AD5', 'AD4', 'AD3']}, 'sys_clk_p': {'iostd': 'LVDS_25',
> 'loc': 'E10'}, 'eth_clk_125_p': {'loc': 'H6'}, 'adc_pd': {'iostd':
> 'LVCMOS18', 'loc': ['AE3', 'AE8', 'W15']}, 'sclk': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33',
> 'loc': 'E17'}, 'eth_clk_n': {'loc': ['K5']}, 'miso': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS33',
> 'loc': 'K20'}, 'usb_rx': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25', 'loc': 'H13'}, 'adc_csn':
> {'iostd': 'LVCMOS18', 'loc': ['AF3', 'AF10', 'V14']}, 'adc1_out': {'iostd':
> 'LVDS', 'loc': ['V8', 'V7', 'W10', 'W9', 'Y8', 'Y7', 'Y11', 'Y10', 'AB12',
> 'AC12', 'AA13', 'AA12', 'AA8', 'AA7', 'AC8', 'AD8']}, 'adc_rst_n':
> {'iostd': 'LVCMOS18', 'loc': ['AE5', 'AF13', 'V19']}, 'xadc_p': {'loc':
> 'N12'}, 'mgt_tx_n': {'loc': ['P1', 'K1']}, 'sys_clk_n': {'iostd':
> 'LVDS_25', 'loc': 'D10'}, 'eth_clk_125_n': {'loc': 'H5'}, 'adc_lclkn':
> {'iostd': 'LVDS', 'loc': ['AA2']}, 'spi_flash_data': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25',
> 'loc': ['B24', 'A25', 'B22', 'A22']}, 'usb_cts': {'iostd': 'LVCMOS25',
> 'loc': 'F10'}}, 'provides': ['sfp0', 'sfp1', 'zdok0', 'sys_clk',
> 'sys_clk90', 'sys_clk180', 'sys_clk270', 'HAD1511_0', 'HAD1511_1',
> 'HAD1511_2', 'lmx2581'], 'fpga': 'xc7k160tffg676-2', 'constraints': []}
> bram
> wb_bram
> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/wb_bram']
> gpio
> gpio_simulink2ext
> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/gpio_simulink2ext']
> bram
> wb_bram
> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/wb_bram']
> bram
> wb_bram
> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/wb_bram']
> bram
> wb_bram
> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/wb_bram']
> xsg
> sw_reg
> wb_register_ppc2simulink
> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/wb_register_ppc2simulink']
> sw_reg
> wb_register_ppc2simulink
> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/wb_register_ppc2simulink']
> snap_adc
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File
> "/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/",
> line 197, in <module>
>     tf.gen_periph_objs()
>   File
> "/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/",
> line 363, in gen_periph_objs
>     self.peripherals[pk], self.plat))
>   File
> "/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/yellow_blocks/",
> line 56, in make_block
>     clsfile = __import__(__package__+'.'+blk['tag'][4:])
>   File
> "/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/yellow_blocks/",
> line 5, in <module>
>     import math, numpy as np
>   File
> "/home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/casper_venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/",
> line 142, in <module>
>     from . import core
>   File
> "/home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/casper_venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/core/",
> line 100, in <module>
>     from . import _internal
>   File
> "/home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/casper_venv/lib/python3.5/site-packages/numpy/core/",
> line 11, in <module>
>     import platform
> ImportError: bad magic number in 'platform': b'\x03\xf3\r\n'
> Error using jasper (line 23)
> Backend build failed! Check log files for more information
> Looks like a Python error again. The complete output messages in the
> Matlab window are in the attached file Matlab.log.
> Best regards,
> Nitish
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 12:58 AM Jack Hickish <>
> wrote:
>> Re virtual environments -- your simplest work around is probably to use
>> the `CASPER_PYTHON_VENV_ON_START` variable described at
>> Alternatively, if "just" changing the shebang line to point to "python3"
>> works, that seems like a reasonable thing to do. (Others may disagree).
>> Cheers
>> Jack
>> On Tue, 19 Nov 2019 at 10:08, Wesley New <> wrote:
>>> Hi Nitish
>>> This is a python 2/3 issue. The toolflow has been upgraded to use python
>>> 3. Most people are running it in a virtual environment and install the
>>> requirements.txt in the root of mlib_devel. Assuming you are using the
>>> latest version of mlib_devel in casper-astro.
>>> Hope this helps.
>>> Regards
>>> Wesley
>>> On Tue, 19 Nov 2019, 7:03 PM Nitish Ragoomundun, <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I was using Matlab R2017b and Vivado 2016.4 until recently. Most things
>>>> were working until I had issues with the complex fft block and decided to
>>>> get the latest mlib_devel to program our SNAP board. I followed
>>>> and installed Matlab R2018a and Vivado 2019.1.1 on Ubuntu 16.04. I tested
>>>> using a design which I know was working before. I noticed that new Matlab
>>>> could not save the Simulink design if I opened the old one itself. So, I
>>>> manually made a replica of the .slx design with the same blocks and same
>>>> parameters. Ctrl+D was successfull. Compilation should have worked but got
>>>> the following error at some stage after running jasper:
>>>> .....
>>>> ('wb_register_ppc2simulink_sync',
>>>> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/wb_register_ppc2simulink_sync'])
>>>> snap
>>>> ('infrastructure',
>>>> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/infrastructure'])
>>>> ('wbs_arbiter',
>>>> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/wbs_arbiter'])
>>>> sys_block
>>>> <yellow_blocks.sys_block.sys_block object at 0x7f7b6cbe3790> doesn't
>>>> have an attribute 'fullpath'
>>>> ('sys_block',
>>>> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/sys_block'])
>>>> spi_wb_bridge
>>>> <yellow_blocks.spi_wb_bridge.spi_wb_bridge object at 0x7f7b6cbe3990>
>>>> doesn't have an attribute 'fullpath'
>>>> ('spi_wb_bridge',
>>>> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/spi_wb_bridge'])
>>>> xadc
>>>> <yellow_blocks.xadc.xadc object at 0x7f7b6cbe3a50> doesn't have an
>>>> attribute 'fullpath'
>>>> ('xadc/xadc.v',
>>>> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/xadc/xadc.v'])
>>>> ('xadc/xadc_wiz_0.xci',
>>>> ['/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/hdl_sources/xadc/xadc_wiz_0.xci'])
>>>> instantiating user peripherals
>>>> top:
>>>> /home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/new_Spectrum_Analyser/spectrum_480mhz_2048pts_3c/top.v
>>>> instantiating user_ip
>>>> regenerating top
>>>> Dumping pickle of top-level Verilog module
>>>> Extracting constraints from peripherals
>>>> Generating physical constraints
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File
>>>> "/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/", line
>>>> 107, in <module>
>>>>     sys.stdout.buffer.write(csl)
>>>> AttributeError: 'file' object has no attribute 'buffer'
>>>> Failed to generate binary file
>>>> /home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/new_Spectrum_Analyser/spectrum_480mhz_2048pts_3c/,
>>>> error code 256.
>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>   File
>>>> "/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/",
>>>> line 202, in <module>
>>>>     tf.write_core_jam_info()
>>>>   File
>>>> "/home/aragorn/Documents/CASPER/mlib_devel/jasper_library/",
>>>> line 525, in write_core_jam_info
>>>>     raise Exception(errmsg)
>>>> Exception: Failed to generate binary file
>>>> /home/aragorn/Documents/SNAP/new_Spectrum_Analyser/spectrum_480mhz_2048pts_3c/,
>>>> error code 256.
>>>> Error using jasper (line 23)
>>>> Backend build failed! Check log files for more information
>>>> If you wish to see the beginning of the messages, please see attached
>>>> log. The messages in the Matlab window following the jasper command are in
>>>> Matlab.log.
>>>> Since the error is a "Traceback" from Python, I am guessing something.
>>>> I did download the new mlib_devel (master branch) and installed the
>>>> requirements using pip3. I saw in
>>>> that for SNAP, we need Python3 and I checked dependencies. One thing I
>>>> noticed by looking into the scripts inside mlib_devel/jasper_library is the
>>>> line "#! /usr/bin/env python". On Ubuntu 16.04 the default Python is
>>>> version 2.7 and "python" is actually a symlink at /usr/bin/python which
>>>> links to /usr/bin/python2.7. So, for example, if is run, I am
>>>> pretty sure it is running with python2.7 and not python3.
>>>> So, what do you think?
>>>> Can you please advise?
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Nitish
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