Hi, Mark,

Yeah packet sockets do require extra privileges.  The solution/workaround that 
Hashpipe uses is to instal hashpipe with the suid bit set.  The init() 
functions of the threads will be called with the privileges of the suid user.  
Then hashpipe will drop the suid privileges before invoking the run() functions 
of the threads.  If you setup the packet sockets in the init() function, you 
can then use them in the run() functions.  It's not an ideal solution and could 
be considered a security hole, but given the limited and generally tightly 
controlled environments in which Hashpipe is typically used this is a working 
compromise.  The other option, as you indicated is to do something with the 
NAP_NET_RAW privilege, but I've not explored how to utilize that.  My limited 
understanding of that is that it is for users rather than executables, but like 
I said I haven't explored that route so I'm not really sure what's possible 
there.  If you figure out something useful, please post here.


> On Apr 17, 2020, at 14:25, Mark Ruzindana <ruziem...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Hope you're doing fine. I was able to add packet sockets and the functions 
> provided by Hashpipe in hashpipe_pktsock.h, but I get permission issues when 
> trying to capture packets as a non-root user. 
> The method I am trying to use to overcome this is owning the 
> plugins/executables as root and using the setuid flag to give root privileges 
> to hashpipe. At this point, I still get an 'operation not permitted' when 
> trying to open the socket. Then when trying to use the CAP_NET_RAW privilege 
> (setcap cap_net_raw=pe 'program'), I'm told that the operation is not 
> supported.
> Just to be clear, I don't have any of these issues when running the process 
> as root, but I'd rather have non-root users running hashpipe. How were you 
> able to overcome the permission issues when trying to capture raw packets 
> with hashpipe as a non-root user? If you were running it as a non-root user.
> Let me know whether you need any more information or whether I'm not stating 
> anything clearly.
> Thanks a lot for the help.
> Mark Ruzindana
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 5:08 PM Mark Ruzindana <ruziem...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:ruziem...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> Thanks a lot for the quick responses John and David! I really appreciate it.
> I will definitely be updating the version of Hashpipe that I currently have 
> on the server as well as ensure that the network tuning is good.
> I'm currently using the standard "socket()" function, and a switch to packet 
> sockets, with the description that you gave, seems like it will definitely be 
> beneficial.
> I also currently pin the threads to the desired cores with a "-c #" on the 
> command line, but thank you for mentioning it, I might have not been doing 
> so. The NUMA info is also very helpful. I'll make sure that the architecture 
> is as optimal as it should be.
> Thanks again! This was very helpful and I'll update you with the progress 
> that I make.
> Mark
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 4:38 PM David MacMahon <dav...@berkeley.edu 
> <mailto:dav...@berkeley.edu>> wrote:
> Just to expand on John's excellent tips, Hashpipe does lock its shared memory 
> buffers with mlock.  These buffers will have the NUMA node affinity of the 
> thread that created them so be sure to pin the threads to the desired core or 
> cores by preceding the thread names on the command line with a -c # (set 
> thread affinity to a single core) or -m # (set thread affinity to multiple 
> cores) option.  Alternatively (or additional) you can run the entire hashpipe 
> process with numactl.  For example...
> numactl --cpunodebind=1 --membind=1 hashpipe [...]
> ...will restrict hashpipe and all its threads to run on NUMA node 1 and all 
> memory allocations will (to the extent possible) be made within memory that 
> is affiliated with NUMA node 1.  You can use various tools to find out which 
> hardware is associated with which NUMA node such as "numactl --hardware" or 
> "lstopo".  Hashpipe includes its own such utility: "hashpipe_topology.sh".
> On NUMA (i.e. multi-socket) systems, each PCIe slot is associated with a 
> specific NUMA node.  It can be beneficial to have relevant peripherals (e.g. 
> NIC and GPU) be in PCIe slots that are on the same NUMA node.
> Of course, if you have as single socket mainboard, then all this NUMA stuff 
> is irrelevant. :P
> Cheers,
> Dave
>> On Mar 31, 2020, at 15:04, John Ford <jmfor...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:jmfor...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi Mark.  Since the newer version has a script called 
>> "hashpipe_irqaffinity.sh" I would think that the most expedient thing to do 
>> is to upgrade to the newer version.  It's likely to fix some or all of this.
>> That said, there are a lot of things that you can check, and not only the 
>> irq affinity, but also make sure that your network tuning is good, that your 
>> network card irqs are attached to processes where the memory is local to 
>> that processor, and that the hashpipe threads are mapped to processor cores 
>> that are also local to that memory.   Sometimes it's counterproductive to 
>> map processes to processor cores by themselves if they need data that is 
>> produced by a different core that's far away, NUMA-wise.  And lock all the 
>> memory in core with mlockall() or one of his friends.
>> Good luck with it!
>> John
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 12:09 PM Mark Ruzindana <ruziem...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:ruziem...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I am fairly new to asking questions on a forum so if I need to provide more 
>> details, please let me know. 
>> Worth noting that just as I was about to send this out, I checked and I 
>> don't have the most recent version of HASHPIPE with hashpipe_irqaffinity.sh 
>> among other additions and modifications. So this might fix my problem, but 
>> maybe not and someone else has more insight. I will update everyone if it 
>> does.
>> I am trying to reduce the number of packets lost/dropped when running 
>> HASHPIPE on a 32 core RHEL 7 server. I have run enough tests and diagnostics 
>> to be confident that the problem is not any HASHPIPE thread running for too 
>> long. Also, the percentage of packets dropped on any given scan is between 
>> about 0.3 and 0.8%. Approx. 5,000 packets in a 30 second scan with a total 
>> of 1,650,000 packets. So while it's a small percentage, the number of 
>> packets lost is still quite large. I have also done enough tests with 'top', 
>> 'iostat' as well as timing HASHPIPE in between time windows where there are 
>> no packets dropped to diagnose the issue further. I (as well as my 
>> colleagues) have come to the conclusion that the kernel is allowing 
>> processes to interrupt HASHPIPE as it is running. 
>> So I have researched and run tests involving 'niceness' and I am currently 
>> trying to configure smp affinities and irq balancing, but the changes that I 
>> make to the smp_affinity files aren't doing anything. My plan was to have 
>> the interrupts run on the 20 cores that aren't being used by HASHPIPE. Also, 
>> disabling 'irqbalance' didn't do anything either. I also restarted the 
>> machine to see whether the changes made are permanent, but the system 
>> reverts back to what it was.
>> I might be missing something, or trying the wrong things. Has anyone 
>> experienced this? And could you point me in the right direction if you have 
>> any insight?
>> If you need anymore details, please let me know. I didn't add as much as I 
>> could because I wanted this to be a reasonably sized message.
>> Thanks,
>> Mark Ruzindana
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