Hi everyone,

   Somehow Mark and I didn't run into each other in Sapsucker Woods today, so 
maybe we were visiting different areas?  Anyway, I did find a few different 
migrants than Mark, with both BLACKPOLL WARBLER (Podell boardwalk) and 
BLACKBURNIAN WARBLER (Woodleton boardwalk) singing, but definitely not 
continuously.  I also heard a MAGNOLIA WARBLER in the neighbourhood to the west 
of Sapsucker Woods.
   More striking to me than the absence of migrants, was changes in 
predilection to vocalize by some of the breeders in Sapsucker Woods.  EASTERN 
WOOD-PEWEE and VEERY are finally making themselves known throughout the areas 
that I would expect to hear them, whereas WOOD THRUSH have curtailed their 
singing, and WHITE-BREASTED NUTHATCH and BROWN CREEPER are more vocal than I've 
heard in the last 2 weeks or more.

Wesley Hochachka

From: bounce-58971037-3494...@list.cornell.edu 
[mailto:bounce-58971037-3494...@list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Mark Chao
Sent: Sunday, May 20, 2012 8:32 AM
Subject: [cayugabirds-l] Sapsucker Woods, Sun 5/20

Evidence of migrant songbirds was extremely low in Sapsucker Woods on Sunday 
morning.  I found only one bird that's not a likely breeding species - a male 
CANADA WARBLER along the road, offering some fine viewing north of the gates 
and across from the orange hydrant.  A few years ago, a Canada Warbler stayed 
in this very location for a few weeks into at least early June, but today's 
bird seemed much more intent on foraging than defending a territory with song.

Mark Chao

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