
Swedish radio is currently doing a short series of programmes about 
crystallography and I just had the great pleasure of listening to a 73-minute 
(!)  interview with Eleanor D about Dorothy Hodgkin. It was very informative 
and complementary to the biography by Georgina Ferry. It seems a shame that we 
in Sweden should be the only ones to benefit from this, so here’s the link, for 
your listening pleasure:


It may only be available for 30 days, I’m not sure. Apart from a very brief 
introduction in Swedish the whole thing is in English. On the same web page 
there is a 20-minute programme with soundbites from Eleanor and Elspeth Garman, 
but that’s mostly in Swedish. Enjoy!

Derek Logan                                         tel: +46 46 222 1443
Associate Professor                                 mob: +46 76 8585 707
Dept. of Biochemistry and Structural Biology              
Centre for Molecular Protein Science            www.maxlab.lu.se/crystal
Lund University, Box 124, 221 00 Lund, Sweden           www.saromics.com

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