On 06/04/2022 07:05, Laurent wrote:
Good morning (French time…)

Two unrelated questions…
Using Coot, I would like to define some key binding… How can I find the command that is actually issued from an option in the « calculate » menu ? I would like to define a key binding for the function « NCS Tools -> Update NCS ghost using local match ».

This is what the coot source code says:


def update_ncs_ghosts_by_local_sphere():
    """Update NCS ghosts based on local environment (residues within 6A of
    (and including) the active residue).

    Typically one would bind this function to a key."""


add_key_binding("NCS Matrix Update", "U", lambda: update_ncs_ghosts_by_local_sphere())

You will need to use the ncs module in the new version.



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