Hey all,

I’m wondering if anyone has an example .eff script that works with 
phenix.refine 1.21. My software package writes a parameters.eff file to be run 
through phenix.refine, and it works fine with phenix 1.20, but throws the error 
seen below with phenix 1.21 due to missing parameters.

Based on the information here: 
 I have gathered that the parameters listed below are in fact not recognized by 
phenix 1.21’s phenix.refine. However, I’m unable to locate the new versions of 
these parameters! Does anyone know what is going on here?


Here’s the error message thrown by phenix.refine:

 Unrecognized PHIL parameters:
    refinement.input.pdb.file_name (file "params.eff", line 9)
    refinement.input.xray_data.file_name (file "params.eff", line 12)
    refinement.input.xray_data.labels (file "params.eff", line 13)
    refinement.input.xray_data.r_free_flags.generate (file "params.eff", line 
    refinement.input.xray_data.force_anomalous_flag_to_be_equal_to (file 
"params.eff", line 17)
    refinement.output.prefix (file "params.eff", line 24)
    refinement.output.serial (file "params.eff", line 25)
    refinement.output.serial_format (file "params.eff", line 26)

Sorry: Some PHIL parameters are not recognized by phenix.refine.
 Please run this program with the --show-defaults option to see what parameters
are available. 


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