On 13/05/2024 17:38, Otsile Mojanaga wrote:

*From:*Otsile Mojanaga
*Sent:* Monday, May 13, 2024 3:29 PM
*To:* Paul Emsley <pems...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>
*Subject:* RE: [ccp4bb] Request for help in optimizing Coot for AMD 5950x CPU and RX6600XT GPU hardware PC

Dear Paul/All

Thank you for the response. I am on Windows 11 and I tried looking around Coot to see where I could input the commands you have suggested but I cannot find anything . I also cannot seem to type the commands into the ‘Command prompt’ that opens alongside Coot. I also tried inputting the commands in the ‘Coot Python scripting’ within Coot but this did not work. Please advise on when you can input these commands.


On 13/05/2024 13:03, Otsile Mojanaga wrote:

    Dear All

    I have been using coot as part of my normal workflow but since
    last week I have been having issues with Coot after I built my own
    PC which contains the following Hardware:

    CPU - AMD Ryzen 9 5950X 16-Core Processor - 16 Cores, 32 Threads

    RAM - 64 GB

    GPU - AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT - Primary/Discrete

    GPU VRAM - 8176 MB - GDDR6 2000 MHz

    Despite the improvement in hardware, Coot is now having issues
    refining molecules when using the ‘real space refine’ tool and
    other related tools. When trying to refine, the program becomes
    stuttering and slow such that it becomes unfeasible to use the
    program in a reasonable amount of time. My current work around is
    to run Coot through CCP4 cloud but this greatly slows down my
    workflow. >From what I can see Coot is not be optimised for the
    AMD CPU.

You don't mention the operating system.

Maybe you have too many threads for Coot? Try setting the COOT_N_THREADS to various values (starting, say, with 2) and see what happens.

But maybe it's a graphics (driver) issue and not a CPU/threads issue. glxgears is the classic test for that.


What I mean here is that COOT_N_THREADS is an environment variable. It needs to be set in the environment from which Coot is launched - before Coot is launched, just to be clear.

From a quick googling, I see that environment variables are a thing under windows, but it is not clear to me how they could actually be used in the context of Coot.



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