On Sat, 16 Sep 2017, Guy Sotomayor Jr wrote:

Sorry ?bout that Fred!  But it does have a good home!  ;-)  I?ve just been too busy lately to really do much with it yet.

Yeah, no problem. Once I saw that you had won, I was a little less annoyed. :) I was just glad it didn't go to a scrapper or someone who didn't know what it was!

In terms of my last name, I?ve pretty much seen it all.  ;-)  BTW, the US
Supreme Court Justice with the same last name as mine is actually my 2nd
cousin!  ;-)  Which brings me to my little riddle: What do a US Supreme
Court Justice, a medieval Spanish castle and Christopher Columbus all have
in common?  ;-)

Actually it was not only me not wanting to butcher your name, but also being too lazy to copy and paste it from the list archives ... ;)

There is an MP 3000 on eBay at the moment (but it?s a littlepricey): 

I'll check it out. Normally the ones I see are either way too far away or they want crazy money for something that "worked when turned off but hasn't been turned on in 10 years.". Sometimes they also are slow to respond to the critical questions i.e. is the laptop there and intact, etc. So I pass. I want something that will work out of the gate with at least all the pieces parts present.


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