Bill said:
AA is the 12th pin on the lower row.

On Mon, Sep 18, 2017 at 8:50 PM, Steve Malikoff via cctalk 
<> wrote:
    Chuck said
    > Is pin AA == pin 1 or pin 40 ?
    > When using modern replacement connectors with keys and marked pin 1,
    > the translation seems to be pin AA == pin 40.
    > Did DEC have an accepted mapping between the alphabet and numbers?
    > -chuck

    Not sure if this helps, as its the serial connector

    Personally, it's a well-meaning page on a great site, but it confuses my 
newbie knowledge greatly when it says the upper
    table should be mounted on every PDP-11, then reckons the lower table is 
the / 05 one. The above /05 photo appears to
    correspond to the upper table but the lower table is the inverted SCL on 
the /05... is it not????? It could do with more
    annotation I think. Otherwise, it's WTF for me.
    I suppose when I get to powering up my /05 I should of course sanity check 
other references so I don't fry anything.


So it is definately the lower pinout table, inverted as presented there? (ie 
Why then does the photo show the left end of the connector labelled as A and B 
from the upper table instead of VV and
UU, corresponding to the lower inverted table?
In the photo above that one, there is another label across the top of the 
connector but no click-through to a higher
res image, I would have liked to know what it said.


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