> I'm overwhelmed and it's time to purge.  The problem isn't a desire
> for old computers, the problem is having too much space.  You might
> like motorcycles or tractors or Beanie Babies, but if you have the
> space and the inclination, you can eventually fill your available space.

Been there, got yelled at, thinning out.

> I've considered taking a truckful to VCF Midwest, but apparently
> I'd need to make a big scary sign that says "If you don't take it now,
> it's going to recycling" because I can't imagine that I'd be able
> to give away half the load.

I am doing a documentation purge (most DEC) at VCFmw this year, just
as I did a few years ago. And yes, what does not get sold or given
away gets pulped at the end of the show. My van will then be empty so
I can take your stuff.


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