> On May 2, 2024, at 2:30 PM, Mike Katz via cctalk <cctalk@classiccmp.org> 
> wrote:
> Microsoft loves to take languages developed by others and transmogrify them 
> into the "Microsoft Universe".
> Quick Basic, Visual Java, Visual Basic, Visual C# (barely resembles C) and 
> the worst offender of all Visual C++ .NET.
> Your post reminded me that Postscript is an actual programming language as 
> well.

It sure is.  My favorite fractal curve, the "Tree of Pythagoras" has been my 
sample graphics exercise for any number of systems with graphics I/O.  The 
PostScript version I have is only a few dozen lines long, a simple recursive 
program.  A trickier version is my original one, in FORTRAN II (no recursion).


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