Hi Stuart,

Sorry for the late reply

Finally, while I was hoping it would easy to use CDK right in
> PyCharm/Python I now see that I will have to install it separately and use
> the command line.
> I guess I don’t know, is there command line functionality built into the
> CDK jar file?

You don't need to go via the command line, IDEA
<https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/> is the equivalent of PyCharm, in fact I
think it came first and I believe PyCharm reuses most of the UI :-). We
don't have any command line utilities and what you're trying to do is quite
specific so couldn't imagine having a utility for it if we did provide
those. It's best to think of CDK like NumPy - it's a set of tools for you
build something with. Since you sound like you're more familiar with Python
so why not use RDKit or Open Babel?

So, I have a project where I am converting a lot of data to RDF and as a
> result I am adding compounds to a graph DB with lots of descriptors and
> identifiers.
> Thus, the first thing I want to do with CDK is to get descriptors for
> compounds, preferably using the InChIKey (but other identifiers if needed).

I presume you mean Resource Description Framework (RDF) but note CTfile
Reaction Data File (RDF)
common cheminformatics format so can get confusing. Egon knows more
about RDF but I believe Apache JENA <https://jena.apache.org/> will help
here - I think we actually use in the CDK already.

Thus, the first thing I want to do with CDK is to get descriptors for
> compounds, preferably using the InChIKey (but other identifiers if needed).

You can't read InChI-Key but perhaps I misunderstand.

Second, I want to store the atoms and bonds of the molecular graph in the
> data (as RDF).  I am therefore really interested in either:
> - getting access to the InChI canonicalization algorithm (if CDK has a
> version of that outside of the InChI code) OR

- obtaining a .mol file where the connection layer atoms are labelled with
> the atom numbers from the canonicalization routine
> My idea is to see if I can generate the InChI string from the molecular
> graph using semantic inferencing

We call into the standard InChI native code, however we do provide
convenient access to the InChI atoms numbers:
It's not too hard to pull these out and set them on a MOLfile or SMILES.


On Thu, 25 Jun 2020 at 18:08, Chalk, Stuart <sch...@unf.edu> wrote:

> John
> Thanks for reply.
> So, I have a project where I am converting a lot of data to RDF and as a
> result I am adding compounds to a graph DB with lots of descriptors and
> identifiers.
> Thus, the first thing I want to do with CDK is to get descriptors for
> compounds, preferably using the InChIKey (but other identifiers if needed).
> Second, I want to store the atoms and bonds of the molecular graph in the
> data (as RDF).  I am therefore really interested in either:
> - getting access to the InChI canonicalization algorithm (if CDK has a
> version of that outside of the InChI code) OR
> - obtaining a .mol file where the connection layer atoms are labelled with
> the atom numbers from the canonicalization routine
> My idea is to see if I can generate the InChI string from the molecular
> graph using semantic inferencing
> Finally, while I was hoping it would easy to use CDK right in
> PyCharm/Python I now see that I will have to install it separately and use
> the command line.
> I guess I don’t know, is there command line functionality built into the
> CDK jar file?
> Any advice much appreciated…
> Stuart
> On Jun 24, 2020, at 7:26 PM, John Mayfield <john.wilkinson...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi Stuart,
> We have some small snippets here (
> https://github.com/cdk/cdk/wiki/Toolkit-Rosetta
> <https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fgithub.com%2Fcdk%2Fcdk%2Fwiki%2FToolkit-Rosetta&data=02%7C01%7Cschalk%40unf.edu%7Cbb26e68251c14bbe4c7708d818961a29%7Cdf29b2fa8929482f9dbb60ff4df224c4%7C1%7C0%7C637286380256993241&sdata=uQmREXtAYy7PI9JEqDH%2Fest4GyQN5modZ4PsmUx8Roo%3D&reserved=0>)
> but most of our doc is geared towards having at least some familiarity with
> writing and using Java libraries. Saying you don't see a plugin in the IDE
> for CDK is like saying you don't see a petrol cap on an electric car.
> Removing the Python vs JAVA issues - CDK is a chemistry toolkit (distinctly
> not an application) - you link in the JAR file to your own code and use
> it's components. IDE plugins help you code, formatting, syntax highlighting
> etc.
> Now skipping over a lot of details you can link a Java JAR in different
> ways either manually via the classpath or more commonly via a build tool
> (e.g. maven/gradle/ant). Before going further I think it would be better to
> start from what you hope to do, i.e. why CDK within the PyCharm IDE? Are
> you just wanting to have a play around or was there a task you wanted
> to accomplish?
> John
> On Wed, 24 Jun 2020 at 23:26, Chalk, Stuart <sch...@unf.edu> wrote:
>> Markus
>> Thanks for that great idea!
>> Sadly, I don’t find CDK in the Plugin marketplace for PyCharm.
>> All the plugins are coding related of course...
>> Regards,
>> Stuart
>> On Jun 24, 2020, at 5:35 PM, Markus Sitzmann <markus.sitzm...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>> Hi Stuart,
>> Pycharm is a specialized version of the IntelliJ IDE for python, Intelij
>> itself (and pycharm) is written in Java, so the solution for CDK should be
>> using Intelij. I am not sure if you can get Java extensions for pycharm
>> (the professional versions of pycharm and IntelliJ even require separate
>> licenses, but there is a community version of both)
>> Markus
>> -----------
>> Markus Sitzmann
>> On 24. Jun 2020, at 23:20, Chalk, Stuart <sch...@unf.edu> wrote:
>>  I am interested in using CDK within the PyCharm IDE.  I see that the
>> recommendation on the CDK website is to use Cinfony, however the package on
>> PyPi does not work and there does not seem to be a version after 2012.
>> If anyone has expertise/advise/suggestions please let me know…
>> I hope everyone out there in CDK land is doing OK given the current
>> situation...
>> Stuart Chalk, Ph.D.
>> Professor of Chemistry
>> Department of Chemistry, Building 50, Room 3514,
>> University of North Florida
>> 1 UNF Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32224 USA
>> ORCID: 0000-0002-0703-7776
>> P: 904-620-1938
>> F: 904-620-3535
>> E: sch...@unf.edu
>> W: http://www.unf.edu/coas/chemistry/
>> <https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unf.edu%2Fcoas%2Fchemistry%2Ffaculty%2FStuart_Chalk.aspx&data=02%7C01%7Cschalk%40unf.edu%7Cbb26e68251c14bbe4c7708d818961a29%7Cdf29b2fa8929482f9dbb60ff4df224c4%7C1%7C0%7C637286380256993241&sdata=y7H6vlTCYiZFw4lXNWYPyhUfU0h%2FW%2BbMtBxa30v%2BDTs%3D&reserved=0>
>> faculty/Stuart_Chalk.aspx
>> <https://nam01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.unf.edu%2Fcoas%2Fchemistry%2Ffaculty%2FStuart_Chalk.aspx&data=02%7C01%7Cschalk%40unf.edu%7Cbb26e68251c14bbe4c7708d818961a29%7Cdf29b2fa8929482f9dbb60ff4df224c4%7C1%7C0%7C637286380256993241&sdata=y7H6vlTCYiZFw4lXNWYPyhUfU0h%2FW%2BbMtBxa30v%2BDTs%3D&reserved=0>
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