On 03/17/2011 12:46 AM, Ozy the barbarian guitarist wrote:
> Hello,
> I've written a couple of articles about CentOS on my personal blog 
> that i'd like to share.
> As mentionned py pschaff on the CentOS 5 forum ( 
> https://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=30474&forum=37 
> <https://www.centos.org/modules/newbb/viewtopic.php?topic_id=30474&forum=37> 
> ), there could be a need of an article explaining how to virtualize 
> CentOS 5 in HyperV.
> As i wrote my articles in french, i'm willing to translate them so 
> they could fit your wiki.
> Here's my inital article about Hyper-V & CentOS: 
> http://www.badministrateur.com/en/node/66
> I'm not the best admin out there as my blog's domain name suggests 
> (Bad Administrator :-), but all articles i wrote are tested and should 
> work.
> I'm willing to help if needed.
> Best regards,
> Ozy.
> centos-docs account: OzydeJong
> proposed subject: Virtualization of CentOS 5 in Hyper-V
> proposed location: Howtos/Virtualization/HyperV
     I do not use Hyper-V myself ( I tried to avoid any Microsoft 
product as much as I can, and I see no reason to use their hypervisor 
since other free solutions exist) and therefore I cannot test, but I've 
read the article and it seems sane enough. And quite similar to what one 
must do to get better performance when using other popular solutions 
such as VMWare.

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