On 15.02.2015 16:49, Gregory P. Ennis wrote:
> Everyone,
> I am putting together a new mail server for our firm using a SuperMicro
> with Centos 7.0.  When performed the install of the os, I put 16 gigs of
> memory in the wrong slots on the mother board which caused the
> SuperMicro to recognize 8 gigs instead of 16 gigs.  When I installed
> Centos 7.0, this error made the swap file 8070 megs instead of what I
> would have expected to be a over 16000 megs.
> I am using the default xfs file system on the other partitions.  Is
> there a way to expand the swap file?  If not, then is this problem
> sufficiently bad enough for me to start over with a new install.  I do
> not want to start over unless I need to.

8G of swap should be more than enough for a 16G system unless you plan
to severely over-commit memory.

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