An user is using 2 displays and configured Gnome to "Static Workspaces
only on primary display on" using gnome-tweak-tool

Till 7.2 it was working as expected. After upgrading to 7.3 the content
on the primary screen gets mirrored to all workspaces.

When switching to "Static Workspaces only on primary display off"
everything is working as expected on 7.3, too.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance!

Gerhard Schneider

Gerhard Schneider
Institute of Lightweight Design and         e-Mail:
Structural Biomechanics (E317)                   Tel.: +43 1 58801 31716
TU Wien / Vienna / Austria                       Fax:  +43 1 58801 31799
A-1060 Wien, Getreidemarkt 9/BE02

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