On 27.02.2018 16:45, Stephen John Smoogen wrote:
> On 27 February 2018 at 06:11, Dennis Jacobfeuerborn
> <denni...@conversis.de> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm currently trying to mirror a couple of yum repositories and the only
>> tool that seems to be available for this is reposync.
>> Unfortunately reposync for some inexplicable reason seems to use the yum
>> config of the local system as a basis for its work which makes no sense
>> and creates all kinds of problems where cache directories and metadata
>> gets mixed up.
>> Are there any alternatives? Some repos support rsync but not all of them
>> so I'm looking for something that works for all repos.
> It is not 'inexplicable'. reposync was primarily built for a user to
> sync down the repositories they are using to be local.. so using
> yum.conf makes sense. The fact that it can be used for a lot of other
> things is built into various configs which the man page covers. As
> John Hodrien mentioned, you can use the -C flag to point it to a
> different config file. This is the way to use it if you are wanting to
> download other files and data. Tools like cobbler wrap the reposync in
> this fashion.

I've been trying to use a custom config file and the -t option to
somehow separate the operation of reposync from the systems repositories
but this does not seem to work.
When I tried to copy a repository reposync reported that it already had
a more current repomd.xml than the one offered by the repository.
An investigation with strace revealed that reposync still was checking
/var/cache/yum for cached files even though i tried both -t and
explicitly creating a new directory and using --cachedir.
Reposync looks into that cache directory and doesn't find the repomd.xml
which is great but then also checks /var/cache/yum where it finds a
repomd.xml and uses that.

What I mean by inexplicable is that it would make more sense to make
reposync a generic tool for syncing yum repos and then simply provide
the option to use /etc/yum.conf rather then to hard-code (as is
apparently the case) these system specific behaviors.

For now what seems to work is using a unique repo name in the config
file to make it impossible for reposync to find a matching file in
/var/cache/yum but that's more of a hack than a fix for the issue.

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