> Am 01.09.2018 um 12:51 schrieb Pete Biggs <p...@biggs.org.uk>:
> That was until LetsEncrypt comes along - it has the backing of some big
> names and *IS* an effective business model for small and private
> customers.

What *is* the business model of Let’s Encrypt?

Are they going to issue „Pro“ certificates at some point that cost money?

Running a CA is not expensive per se - it’s the audits that the CAB 
(CA+Browser) Forum mandates that are expensive.

In the beginning, the certificates had a certain level of trust with them that 
came both from the high prices (deterring drive-by crooks) and the fact that 
some sort of vetting was made to ensure that nobody could have issued a 
certificate for a domain they didn’t really control.

But the later step is not very friendly to automation. And CAs can principally 
issue certificates for any domain - a fact brought home by the compromise of 
Dutch CA DigiNotar in the Fall 2011.
Adding to the fact is a concentration-process in the industry that leads to 
fewer and fewer companies that know less and less of their customers.

These days, a certificate just shows that the communication is encrypted. 
Whether the other endpoint is what it claims to be is of no concern to any 
third-party involved in setting up that communication-process.

There’s even talk about deprecating the special handling browsers have for 
EV-certificates from future versions of Mozilla.

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