You could also try Fedora, which is considerably more modern as a client OS
than Cent 5 these days.  Obviously it will be quite similar to future
releases of CentOS.  I wouldn't really want to run RHEL on my laptop as a
client OS.

Understandable if you want to stick with CentOS 5 for certain reasons.


On Tue, Nov 16, 2010 at 9:05 AM, Kevin Thorpe <> wrote:

>  On 15/11/2010 17:35, Jeff Chambers wrote:
> This is off list topic, but I have seen weirdness in airport cards on macs 
> especially when connecting to Apple's Airport. A cheap fix is to buy a 2nd 
> wireless access point and make sure to use that in bridged mode so it is not 
> acting as a router and wire that to your airport base station.
> I like said before trying using an external hard drive to install CentOS onto 
> and try your wireless card and other hardware drivers. This is a free 
> solution except for the cost of the hard drive.
>  Or save yourself money and try a live CD. I'm assuming that any missing
> drivers can be temporarily installed like on Ubuntu.
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