On Wed, 20 Jul 2011, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:

> I use http://rpm.pbone.net/ to search for CentOS/RHEL and Fedora packages.


> It says that there is matlab 7.4.0 rpm for Fedora 5 and 10-15.
> Fedora 5 version should be good for CentOS 5 , and Fedora 12 package for
> CentOS 6.
> Link for Fedora 5 package:
> http://apt.unl.edu/apt/fedora/redhat/5/i386/unl/RPMS/

Not in any way sensible, so don't go anywhere near this.

This just looks like an indexed internal directory at a university full of
packages you're really unlikely to want to install.  It's old commercial
software that won't work without a license.  Matlab installs just fine on
CentOS from the direct download from Mathworks.  Packaging it up is also

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