On 21/07/11 13:08, Jerry Geis wrote:
> I "wish" to not load the or even install the nouveau driver by default.
> I want to use the NVIDIA binary driver.
> I have tried a number of things:
> 1) in my kickstart package section add the line:
> -xorg-x11-drv-nouveau
> This did not work - it was still installed.
> 2) use the nvidia installer and it asks to create a modprobe.conf file
> to blacklist
> the driver. I said yes thats what I want. I verified the file being
> present and rebooted.
> The driver is still loaded "lsmod | grep nou" still showed it present.
> 3) I tried "rpm -e xorg-x11-drv-nouveau --nodeps". This seeming worked
> however
> the files for nouveau were still present. find / | grep nouveau showed
> driver files and more....
> So - anyone know how to get this off of my machine???
> I thought the "-" in the kickstart package section would work, but no.
> Thanks so much for any thoughts.
> jerry

 From elrepo.org,

yum install kmod-nvidia

will take care of everything for you, and because it's a kABI-tracking 
kmod package you won't need to rebuild the kernel module for each kernel 
update, and yum will automatically take care of future nvidia driver 
updates for you too.

A word of warning - there is a bug [1,2] in 6.0 that means installing 
kmod-nvidia from a kickstart file will *fail* so I would advise 
performing your install and then manually installing kmod-nvidia 
immediately afterwards. Alternatively there is a workaround in the 
elrepo bug report [3] should you really want to do this from a kickstart 

Hope that helps.

[1] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=625216
[2] https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=657257
[3] http://elrepo.org/bugs/view.php?id=98

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