On Sat, Nov 12, 2011 at 09:45:04AM -0600, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> Linux puts things in cache using extra (unused) memory.  It is
> absolutely normal to have "Free Memory" go down to a fairly small level
> and have Buffers and Cache grow.
Why does Linux do this? It seems odd to me.

> If you are getting out of memory errors, you can tweek the amount of
> memory that they system keeps in reserve using "vm.min_free_kbytes" in
> /etc/sysctl.conf
I don't find vm.min_free_byes in sysctl.conf. It isn't mentioned in the 
man pages.


> http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos/2006-December/030761.html
> This is a good article that discusses how to adjust this too:
> http://www.dba-oracle.com/t_tuning_linux_kernel_2_6_oracle.htm
> As far as what version of CentOS you have ... you can figure that out with:
> cat /etc/redhat-release

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