On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 10:50:02AM +0200, Alexander Dalloz wrote:
> Generally speaking, using software coming from a repository configured
> in yum makes it a lot easier to maintain the system and keep the
> packages up to date.
> It is a bad habbit, especially in an enterprise environment, to deploy
> software to machines in a fashion where you hardly have an overview
> which software version is being installed and without a proven method to
> keep the systems updated with new versions for fixing bugs and security
> issues.
Yes. However, my BrailleBlaster project may require Java 1.7. I suppose 
I can obtain it from Openjdk and install it manually. I should probably 
uninstall Java 1.6 first. After I install Java 1.7, will subsequent use 
of yuum update mess up that installation?


> Alexander
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