On Fri, 17 Aug 2012, Tim Nelson wrote:

> To: CentOS mailing list <centos@centos.org>
> From: Tim Nelson <tnel...@rockbochs.com>
> Subject: [CentOS] Intel D425KT Motherboard / Realtek RTL8105E
> Greetings-
> I'm attempting to get CentOS 5.5 x86 (yes, very specific version required for 
> specific software usage scenario... don't ask) running on an Intel D425KT 
> mini-ITX motherboard. Everything works fine, with the exception of the 
> onboard ethernet, which is a Realtek RTL8105E chip. The stock CentOS 
> installation attempts to use the r8169 driver, which does not work. I've been 
> around the block a few times dealing with Realtek interfaces and their driver 
> hell, but this one is stumping me.
> Things tried so far:
> -Adding pci=assign-busses to the kernel parameters
> -Installing kmod-r8101 from elrepo, old and new versions
> -Compiling driver from scratch direct from Realtek
> In every test, I end up with what *appears* to be a functioning ethernet 
> interface (r8101 driver detects chip as RTL8105E correctly), or as reported 
> by the software (ifconfig, ethtool, etc). But, I just cannot get any traffic 
> to pass. There is a link light for the ethernet interface, but no actual 
> activity when testing.
> Any thoughts?

Hi Tim.

If this NIC is built onto the motherboard, would it not be 
easier just to find an (PCI?) expansion slot NIC that is 
known to work out of the box on Centos 5.5 and use that 




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