Am 05.10.2012 um 18:57 schrieb Todd Cary <>:

> I am running Centos 5.8; at least
> uname -rmi
> gives me centos-release-5-8.el5.centos
> A CMS package is telling me that I need PHP 5.2x, however yum 
> update says that I am fully up to date.
> Is there a "safe" way to upgrade PHP to 5.2x?

Has RedHat ever shipped PHP 5.2?
I thought, I had only seen 5.1 and then 5.3 - but I admit I don't use RedHat or 
CentOS for PHP if I can avoid it.

The PHP project has stopped supporting PHP 5.2 some time ago and it's on "life 
support" by
the backports-project:

E.g. it will drop out of FreeBSD's ports-tree sometime spring 2013. Some Debian 
release may keep it alive longer.

Does you CMS absolutely need PHP 5.2 or does it also work with PHP 5.3?

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