I am building some automation for version upgrades of MDS and part of the
process I would like to determine if a filesystem has allow_standby_replay
set to true and if so then disable it. Granted I could just issue: "ceph fs
set MyFS allow_standby_replay false" and be done with it but Its got me
curious that there is not the equivalent command: "ceph fs get MyFS
allow_standby_replay" to check this information. So where can an operator
determine this?

I tried a diff of "ceph fs get MyFS" with this configurable in both true
and false and found:

diff /tmp/true /tmp/false
< epoch 66
< flags 32
> epoch 67
> flags 12

and Im guessing this information is encoded  in the "flags" field. I am
working with 16.2.10. Thanks.


*Wes Dillingham*
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