
after a massive rebalance(tunables) my small SSD-OSDs are getting full, i changed my crush rules so there are actual no pgs/pools on it, but the disks stay full:

ceph version 14.2.21 (5ef401921d7a88aea18ec7558f7f9374ebd8f5a6) nautilus (stable)

ID     CLASS WEIGHT     REWEIGHT SIZE    RAW USE DATA    OMAP META     AVAIL    %USE  VAR  PGS STATUS TYPE NAME 158   ssd    0.21999  1.00000 224 GiB 194 GiB 193 GiB  22 MiB 1002 MiB   30 GiB 86.68 1.49   0     up             osd.158

inferring bluefs devices from bluestore path
1 : device size 0x37e4400000 : own 0x[1ad3f00000~23c600000] = 0x23c600000 : using 0x39630000(918 MiB) : bluestore has 0x46e2d0000(18 GiB) available

when i recreate the osd the osd gets full again

any suggestion?

thx & best regards
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