I am not, and do not want to be, part of your SIN family. Please do not
presume to speak for God or anyone else, real or fake, other than yourself.
If you think something is a sin, that's cool, that's on you. You can leave
the rest of us out of it.


On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 12:14 AM, Melvin Thompson <melvi...@earthlink.net>wrote:

> GMoney,
> You have the wrong impression of who God is. . .God doesn't kill (or
> smite) or punish people (believers and non-believers) for their sins (and
> being Gay is just another form of sin)...He Gave His Son Jesus for all our
> sins and when we receive Jesus as our savior, we are free from sin (that
> doesn't mean we stop sinning right away) . .Everyone on earth is given the
> opportunity to do wrong or right and we have a guideline to follow (God's
> word. . .the bible). . .Now there are consequences to whatever you choose
> to do (Good or Bad). . .There is no need to hate on or treat a Gay person
> bad or nasty. . .because in that case we should treat adulterers,
> fornicators, liers, evil people, etc., the same because all these things
> (to include Gay) are all part of the same family--> SIN..
> -----Original Message-----
> >From: GMoney <gm0n3...@gmail.com>
> >Sent: Mar 26, 2014 12:13 PM
> >To: cf-community <cf-community@houseoffusion.com>
> >Subject: I survived a gay wedding
> >
> >
> >So my wife and I went to our first gay wedding last weekend.
> >
> >And.....contrary to what I've been told by some members of my family and
> by
> >various conservative groups.....my marriage was surprisingly unaffected.
> My
> >wife and I both decided after we returned home nice and tipsy from the
> >blast of a reception that our marriage was, oddly, NOT adversely affected
> >by the two women we had witnessed getting married that night.
> >
> >Somehow their new found love, their stated devotion to each other through
> >thick and thin, had not destroyed MY devotion to my wife. Somehow, the
> >gathering of friends and loved ones in celebration of that marriage....was
> >a blast.  God must have been busy doing something else, because he failed
> >to smite anyone....even when they played that Lady Gaga song at the
> >reception!
> >
> >Now i'm all confused. It can be hard to keep up with exactly who God is
> >supposed to be hating sometimes.....
> >
> >
> >

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