That's awesome. I was just looking at Elixir and it sure looks like Ruby
for Erlang, which is fascinating. Cool stuff.


On Thu, May 8, 2014 at 1:26 PM, Zaphod Beeblebrox <> wrote:

> The company I’m working for is a real-time bidding platform for internet
> advertising.
> Our bidder is written in C++ for speed reasons,
> Web app is built in ruby/rails because, well Rails ;)  <- This is where I
> spend most of my time
> Erlang is used for several smaller services inside of our org.
> Elixir (which runs on the erlang vm) is what we’re thinking of
> transitioning to just because we like the syntax better
> Bash is the glue that ties all of our linux boxes and they services
> together.
> There’s 15 of us developers in the company and were split between backend,
> frontend & reporting teams, but were all free to work on whatever projects
> we want to work on/update.  We all have write access to the github repos.
>  It’s definitely a great way to learn/sharpen your skills on different
> languages.

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