I guess I had presumed that he worked in news. It just seems to fall into a
trend of decrying the decline of journalism (Dan Rather was no Walter
Cronkite and David Gregory is no Dan Rather) without anyone actually saying
what to do about it. I agree that listicles are atrocious. Buzzfeed is like
pure glucose...little chunks of sugar high that immediate evaporate and
leave you depressed. But...everyone knows that, right? I mean, journalism
has gotten crappier (as a whole) as it has gotten diluted and gotten more

Perhaps the trend needs to be pointed out to people. I didn't think it did,
but a lot of people don't pay as much attention to news as I do. I stopped
watching news on TV a decade ago because it is awful. So I suppose that I
just react negatively to articles that now say "news sucks" without
offering up any solutions because the topic seems "well, duh" to me.


On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 11:21 AM, Cameron Childress <camer...@gmail.com>

> I don't know about VOX you may be right, but I see the whole "someone
> should fix this" comment as "someone in news should fix this". If someone
> says someone should fix a broken app I assume they are saying a developer
> should fix it. You can read something else into it and that's fine too.
> The whole listicle thing is a total pet peeve of mine and I hate seeing
> that crap on FB. I am also very disappointed in the crappy newsless
> entertainment network that CNN has turned into - another pet peeve. It has
> been Nancy-Gracified.
> I think much of the CNN thing can really be traced back to the OJ chase and
> addiction to the trial. Since then it's been one trial after another. Only
> one thing in the world is ever happening on CNN, and if Nancy Grace has
> anything to do with it - it usually involves a dead or missing white girl.
> I am glad to see that at least the missing Mylasian flight is finally no
> longer "breaking news" on CNN.com after 2+ months.
> -Cameron
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 2:02 PM, Judah McAuley wrote:
> >
> > I get his general gist and I like that he calls out Vice for the good
> > things they are doing. I don't understand his criticism of Ezra Klein and
> > Vox, though. I go to Vox (which I don't really read, though I should)
> and I
> > don't see anything like what he's saying: http://www.vox.com/
> >
> > I see the top 5 articles are on solving poverty, overloading the VA,
> gitmo
> > predicament, challenges america faces responding to climate change, and a
> > historical piece about D-Day.  Seems pretty substantial to me.
> >
> > More so, I've got a problem with what Hudack writes because it is trite
> and
> > easy. He calls out others, decrying the decline of quality in journalism.
> >  Well, shit, people have been doing that for decades. Throwing stones is
> > easy, so what are we going to do to make it better, Mr Hudack?  See the
> > last sentence in his post: "It's hard to tell who's to blame. But someone
> > should fix this shit."  Ah, gotcha. I'll get going on that, Mr Hudack.
> >
> > Judah
> >

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