defo better to make sure they are defined.
Also using isDefined() is also bad as this search every single scope for
your variable and is thus quite slow and can potentially cause timeouts.
Much better to use StructKeyExists() and only test the scope your variable
is in.

Russ Michaels
Supporting the cf community since 1999
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On Wed, Sep 1, 2010 at 4:40 PM, DURETTE, STEVEN J (ATTASIAIT) <> wrote:

> Using your way ensures that any variables that you are using already
> exist.
> I was always taught that I should define my variables before I use them
> in code (my ancient programming college courses).  So, I tend to follow
> your method.
> Also, from a security stand, you should already know what should be
> coming into your page. If it isn't there then something went wrong. And
> if you didn't define it and it is there you should be ignoring it.
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michael Grant []
> Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 11:36 AM
> To: cf-talk
> Subject: CFParam vs. IsDefined
> I prefer to CFParam my vars with a default value of a zero len string or
> a 0
> for numeric values. Then I skip the isdefined and just test against the
> value. Well recently someone I know said that it's better to test if
> it's
> defined. Is there a pro or con to doing it my way vs. IsDefined ?
> Thanks.

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