>I prefer to CFParam my vars with a default value of a zero len string or a 0
>for numeric values. Then I skip the isdefined and just test against the
>value. Well recently someone I know said that it's better to test if it's
>defined. Is there a pro or con to doing it my way vs. IsDefined ?

There is a difference between a value being undefined, and a value being zero.

Consider the following (contrived) example:

<cffunction name="convertToKelvin" returntype="Numeric" output="false">
        <cfargument name="Celsius"   type="Numeric" default="0" />
        <cfargument name="Farenheit" type="Numeric" default="0" />

        <cfif Arguments.Celsius NEQ 0>
        <cfelseif Arguments.Farenheight NEQ 0>
                <cfthrow message="Invalid arguments"/>



<cffunction name="convertToKelvin" returntype="Numeric" output="false">
        <cfargument name="Celsius"   type="Numeric" required="false" />
        <cfargument name="Farenheit" type="Numeric" required="false" />

        <cfif isDefined('Arguments.Celsius')>
        <cfelseif isDefined('Arguments.Farenheight')>
                <cfthrow message="Invalid arguments"/>


(Using cfargument/default is equiv to using cfparam/default.)

Unless you can say with certainty that blank/zero is identically equivalent to 
undefined, you should always check for existance (using either isDefined or 
structKeyExists as preferred) instead of setting a default. 

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