
i am trying the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" 
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>

<cfprocessingdirective pageencoding = "windows-1256">
        <cfset SetEncoding("form","windows-1256")>
        <cfset SetEncoding("url","windows-1256")>
        <cfcontent type="text/html; charset=windows-1256">
<cfsavecontent variable="MyPage">


<title>PRINT TEST</title>


<table width="810" border="0">
    <td width="225" ><div align="center"><strong>ARABIC TEXT PRINT TEST 
    <td width="225" ><div align="center"><strong><span dir="rtl" 
style="font:'Simplified Arabic'; font-size:16px">نظام بصمة الوجه 
في دولة</span></strong></div></td>


<cfif not(isdefined("url.DISPLAY"))>
        <cfdocument format="pdf" filename="files\print_test_cf.pdf"  

and i am getting this result

ARABIC TEXT PRINT TEST  © ظ„ط ˆ ظ¯ ظ‡ ظپظٹ ط ¬ طˆ ظ„ظ § 
ط © ظ…ط μ ط¨ ظ… ط § ط¸ ظ†ط

you will notice that the Arabic font is not displayed properly. what gives?

thanking you in advance for your insight

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