

I'm running into a "Session is invalid" error (well, some customers are... I
have yet to reproduce it myself). I've done quite a bit of research on it I
think what it boils down to is that the CF session timer and the J2EE
session timer are getting out of whack... in a way that the CF timer says
the session is still good but J2EE has already timed it out. 


I came across a post where someone else ended up thinking it was the same
thing. They were finally able to deduce that the use of
coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker was the culprit. Incidentally, the only
customers who are seeing the error, are using a portion of code that does
indeed use the undocumented SessionTracker.


So what I am looking for now is a possible replacement for the
coldfusion.runtime.SessionTracker code.


I have to be able to search the sessions in the given app name for a
specific structure and then compare a value in that structure with an
outside string to see if it is what I am looking for. I also need to be able
to clear that structure from the session. (it is all part of a bigger
SSO/SLO process.)


Does anyone know of a way outside of SessionTracker to handle this? Or...
have you ran into anything similar and have other suggestions?





Bobby Hartsfield





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