Are you sure he really was a .NET developer?  Like I said we have ran into
huge issues with "fudging" of skillsets and why we had to develop extensive
testing methods for anyone going onto our Java team, so we can weed out the
just plain fakes. But also like I said we still have to deal with the other
issue of the huge turn around over there.  Seems like people have zero
loyalty for the company they work for and will leave at the drop of the hat
to go to another company paying more.

On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 3:51 PM, Russ Michaels <> wrote:

> So in less than 1 hour, I did what he was unable to do in 1 week, and
> he was a .NET developer where as I have ZERO .NET knowledge, never
> written a single line of .net code in my life.
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2011 at 2:25 PM, Aaron Rouse <>
> wrote:
> >
> > I have worked with people from India who spoke better English than I do
> and
> > outside Sarcasm that is the only language I know.  They were a LOT
> cheaper
> > than me and reading the rest of this thread I see i actually charge a
> little
> > below the low side of what people consider normal rates.  In some cases I
> > was taking over projects from them and in other cases they were taking
> > projects over from me.  I also have dealt with a lot of very crummy made
> > applications out of the India region but to be fair I have dealt with my
> > fair share of crummy made ones that were made in the States too.
> >
> > The big issue we have ran into though is the rather extreme "fudging" of
> > skillsets from people in India.  For our Java team we had to develop and
> > entire process for validating their skillsets but then the next problem
> > comes in and that is the huge turnover rates over in India.
> >

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