hans added a comment.

Apologies for the slow reply, it was a long weekend here.

Comment at: clang/lib/Parse/ParseDeclCXX.cpp:3314
   if (getLangOpts().CPlusPlus && Tok.is(tok::identifier)) {
-    VirtSpecifiers::Specifier Specifier = isCXX11VirtSpecifier(Tok);
-    assert((Specifier == VirtSpecifiers::VS_Final ||
-            Specifier == VirtSpecifiers::VS_GNU_Final ||
-            Specifier == VirtSpecifiers::VS_Sealed) &&
+    for (VirtSpecifiers::Specifier Specifier = isCXX11VirtSpecifier(Tok);
+         Specifier != VirtSpecifiers::VS_None;
AbbasSabra wrote:
> hans wrote:
> > This 'for' construct is hard to follow. I think it might be easier to 
> > follow as a while loop, maybe
> > 
> > ```
> > while ((Specifier = isCXX11VirtSpecifier(Tok)) != VirtSpecifiers::VS_None) {
> > ```
> > 
> > Also the "is" prefix in isCXX11VirtSpecifier is confusing given that it 
> > doesn't return a bool.
> For "for" vs "while" if you use while you will have to declare the variable 
> before the loop giving it the wrong scope which makes it less readable in my 
> opinion. 
> For  !!isCXX11VirtSpecifier!! I agree but I wouldn't separate the rename from 
> this patch(I'm not sure what is the guidelines here)
I still think the for-loop is confusing. How about something like this, then?

while (true) {
  VirtSpecifiers::Specifier Specifier = isCXX11VirtSpecifier(Tok);
  if (Specifier == VirtSpecifiers::VS_None)


I agree that renaming isCXX11VirtSpecifier in a separate patch is a good idea.

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/DeclSpec.cpp:1479
+  case VS_Abstract:
+    VS_abstractLoc = Loc;
+    break;
AbbasSabra wrote:
> hans wrote:
> > nit: the other cases just use one line
> clang-format doesn't like it. Should I ignore it?
Yes, ignoring it is fine. (Re-formatting the whole switch would also be okay, 
as long as its consistent.)

Comment at: clang/lib/Sema/DeclSpec.cpp:1493
   case VS_Sealed: return "sealed";
+  case VS_Abstract:
+    return "abstract";
AbbasSabra wrote:
> hans wrote:
> > nit: skip the newline for consistency here too
> same clang-format splits the line
Ignoring clang-format is fine, sticking to the current style is usually 

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