steakhal wrote:

Ah, I think rushed ahead of myself.
I applied the patch to clang-17, where it of course we didn't have any issues 
even with this broken `isTainted`.
Now that I applied the patch to our clang-18 based branch, the file analyzes in 
1:40, which is still far off from the baseline run 32 seconds. But 1:40 is 
arguably a lot better than 1.23 hours.

I perfed again, and it shows this:

This is much better, and showcases the next slowdown bug I'm hunting for the 
days since I reported this one :D
The remaining 1 extra minute is lost during Z3 refutation.

So, yea, this PR fixes the bug I reported in #89045, so we can close that once 
this is merged.
And stay tuned for the next slowdown bug. I can already tell you that the 
bitwise shift checker introduces new constraints, after which we can now refute 
more bugs! - but also spends more time for finding a valid bug report in an 
EQClass , while previously we just picked the first one as we found those path 
constraints `sat`. But I'll come back to that once I have something concrete to 
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