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Maoists peace offer a gimmick, time to finish them: security expert

Posted by: "Shubhranshu Choudhary" s...@cgnet.in

Sun Feb 1, 2009 5:59 am (PST)

Maoists' peace offer a 'gimmick', time to finish them: security expert

Raipur, Feb 1 (IANS) The peace talk offer by
the Maoists to the Chhattisgarh government is a "well thought out ploy of
the guerrillas to buy time to regroup", a counter terrorism expert said,
adding that the security forces should utilise the opportunity to finally
crush the rebels. "This is the perfect time for the police to fan out in the
rebels' den and deliver the knockout punch," Brigadier (retd) B.K. Ponwar,
director of Counter Terrorism and Jungle Warfare College (CTJWC) at Kanker
in Chhattisgarh, told IANS Sunday.

"Their (Maoists') philosophy is that all power flows from the barrel of a
gun but now they are willing to come to the negotiating table. This has
happened because the rebels suffered heavy casualties in the past two years
and also because of the pressure of the Salwa Judum (civil militia)," he

Ponwar, a former commandant of the Counter Insurgency and Jungle Warfare
School at Vairengte in Mizoram who has served in Punjab, Nagaland, Tripura
and several other insurgency and militancy-hit areas of the country, was
commenting on the Maoists' peace talk offer to the state government.

The outlawed Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist)'s Dandakaranya
Special Zonal Committee Saturday offered to hold talks with the state
government. It is the first peace offer by the Maoists since they began
their activities in the mineral-rich state in the early 1980s.

The state's Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government has welcomed the offer
though the police view it largely as "a diversionary tactic" of the
insurgents who have been facing relentless attacks on their landmine
protected forested hideouts in Bastar.

"The police must not put down their guns in the wake of the Maoists' peace
offer gimmick. Their (Maoists or Naxalites) whole philosophy is based on
violence. By offering peace talks they just want to buy time to
reconsolidate and regroup," Ponwar said.

"This is a rare opportunity for the central and Chhattisgarh government to
pump more guerrilla warfare skilled forces in Bastar to neutralise them
forever," he added.

Noting that the offer looks like a "well-designed tactic", Ponwar said if
the CPI-Maoist is really serious about peace, then the offer must come
either from its politburo or central committee and the talks should be held
with the Indian government as it is an inter-state problem.

Ponwar has trained about 7,000 policemen from seven states at the CTJWC
since it was established in 2005.


Mandi ki chapet me Jindal

Posted by: "Yuvraj Gajpal" gajp...@gmail.com   yuvrajgajpal

Sun Feb 1, 2009 5:38 pm (PST)

*विश्वव्यापी मंदी की चपेट में जिंन्दल ! पिछली तिमाही के मुकाबले नफे में 28
प्रतिशत की गिरावट !*

रायगढ 31 जनवरी: जिन्दल स्टील एण्ड पावर लिमिटेड के एक्जीक्युटिव वाइस चेयरमेन
एवं मैनेजिंग डायरेक्टर नवीन जिंदल की अध्यक्षता में निर्देशक मंडल की सभा
रायगढ में दिनांक 29 जनवरी को आयोजित की गई जिसमें वित्तीय वर्ष 2008-09 के
लिये 31 दिसम्बर को समाप्त तिमाही के वित्तीय परिणामो की घोषणा की गई।

घोषित वित्तीय परिणामो के अनुसार कंपनी का तिमाही में शुद्ध लाभ 325 करोड रूपये
रहा जो कि पिछली तिमाही सितम्बर 2008 की तुलना में 450 करोड से 125 करोड कम है।
इस प्रकार पिछली तिमाही के मुकाबले कंपनी के मुनाफे में 28 प्रतिशत की रिकार्ड
गिरावट आ गई। पिछली तिमाही में कंपनी की कुल बिक्री 2216 करोड थी जो दिसम्बर
2008 को समाप्त तिमाही में 435 करोड घटकर 1781 करोड रह गई। इस प्रकार पिछली
तिमाही की तुलना में कंपनी की बिक्री में लगभग 20 प्रतिशत की गिरावट आ गई।

उल्लेखनीय है कि जे.एस.पी.एल. का इंटीग्रेटेड स्टील प्लांट छत्तीसगढ राज्य के
रायगढ जिले में स्थित है जो कोयला आधारित स्पंज आयरन उत्पादन के मामले में
विश्व की सबसे बडी कंपनी मानी जाती है।

रमेश अग्रवाल


Naxals kill 15 policemen in Gadchiroli, take away arms

Posted by: "Shubhranshu Choudhary" s...@cgnet.in

Sun Feb 1, 2009 5:58 pm (PST)

Naxals kill 15 policemen in Gadchiroli, take away arms
Pradip Kumar Maitra, Hindustan Times, Nagpur, 1 Feb 2009

SUSPECTED NAXALITES gunned down a team of 15 policemen, including a sub
inspector in a thickly forested area near the MaharashtraChhattisgarh
border, 300 km from Nagpur on Sunday morning.

Reports reaching here said the police team had been sent to investigate a
major fire in a remote forest village on Thursday .

"The Naxalites were waiting for them and ambushed them as they were on their
way a ," senior police official said.

The encounter, which wiped the entire police party began , around 11 am and
continued for two hours in the jungles at Marke in Gadchiroli district,
police said.

Three dalams (squads) of Naxalites, comprising over 150 people, armed with
AK-47 rifles and other sophisticated weapons, attacked the police squad,
which was taken completely by surprise.

Chief Minister Ashok Chavan said it was unfortunate to lose brave policemen.
"We will ensure strong action against their attackers," he told HT.

Chavan said he had asked Home Minister Jayant Patil to rush to the spot
immediately . He assured that the government would help the family of
deceased in all possible ways. Chavan is expected to visit Gadchiroli on
Monday .

Police suspect the attack was a retaliation to the arrest of 15 Naxalites,
including two dalan commanders on Friday .

The bodies of all the policemen have been recovered but are yet to be
brought to the district headquarters.

Home Minister Jayant Patil said the attack was preplanned. "There is strong
possibility of Naxals moving out to neighbouring states. We sent
reinforcement after learning about the attack. We had summoned a helicopter
from Chhattisgarh as well," he said.

Gadchiroli and the neighbouring districts of Chandrapur and Gondia — all
three in the impoverished Vidarbha region, populated mainly by Gond tribals
— are the key centres of Naxalite activity in the state. Around 15 dalams
are said to be active in the area.

This is the second major Naxalite attack in the region in recent months.
Four policemen, including a PSI were killed during a routine patrol near
Korepalli in the same district on October 25 last year.

In 2005, 14 police personnel were killed in two Naxalite blasts in
Gadchiroli and neighbouring Gondia districts. That year as many as 25 police
personnel were killed in attacks as against only three naxalites.


Maoists trying to regroup in Khammam, warn police

Posted by: "Shubhranshu Choudhary" s...@cgnet.in

Sun Feb 1, 2009 8:12 pm (PST)

Maoists trying to regroup in Khammam, warn police
2 Feb 2009, 0259 hrs IST, G Arun Kumar & Shiva Kumar Pinna, TNN

HYDERABAD/WARANGAL: A "silent war" is going on in the 250-km porous
Khammam-Chhattisgarh border what with a sudden spurt in Maoist activities in

the region ahead of the general elections.

Though the Maoists' Central Committee (CC) has directed its top leaders not
to "visit" AP, the Khammam district police are gearing up for accelerated
violence in the form of surprise attacks and ambushes. A senior police
official involved in anti-naxal operations told TOI that the Maoist
leadership is shifting the cadre from Chhattisgarh and Orissa to Khammam
district to foment violence.

"Chances are that top Maoist leaders may sneak in along with the cadre.
Since we don't have photos of all the leaders, it becomes tough for the
spotters to identify them," a district police officer said. He said the
police are on a 24-hour vigil to thwart the Maoists' strikes. "It's like a
war zone, more so with the elections round the corner," he observed.

With the Indravati and Pranahita rivers coming in handy, the Maoists are
able to channel their way to Adilabad, Karimnagar and Gadchiroli in
Maharashtra, sources said. "The rebels' success against the cops in
Gadchiroli could be attributed to this," the officer said.

Though the Maoists have shifted base to Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkhand and
Maharashtra, the intelligence wing has asked for more forces to be rushed to
the districts bordering Chhattisgarh. It is learnt that special police teams
have launched an intensified combing near the forest tracts bordering
Chhattisgarh after receiving intelligence inputs that CC leader Sudhakar was
in the area some time ago.

"The naxals' main task is to revive the Maoist movement in North Telangana
region, comprising Warangal, Khammam and Karimnagar districts, which used to
be their bastion earlier," a top cop serving in the Maoist-hit Eturunagaram
agency of Warangal told TOI.

In order to check the flow of gelatine sticks and ammunition to the
underground Maoist cadre, the police are also keeping a strict vigil on the
arms and ammunition supply gangs in Warangal and Khammam districts.


36garh Diary | 02 | Feb | 2009

Posted by: "Praveen" pmanikp...@gmail.com   praveen_irm

Mon Feb 2, 2009 12:41 am (PST)

Dear Friends,

Here is the News about Chhattisgarh in the media today…

Naxals kill 15 cops in Gadchiroli, Maharashtra
Hindustan Times - India
In a massive blow, the naxalite militants struck again in a deeply
forested area in Gadchiroli district, bordering Chhattisgarh, in a
frontal attack on a ...

Chhattisgarh govt to present budget on Feb 9
Hindu - Chennai,India
Raipur (PTI): Chhattisgarh government will present its budget for the
year 2009-10 in the State Assembly on February 9. The budget session
of the Assembly ...

Maoists' peace offer a `gimmick', time to finish them: security expert
Thaindian.com - Bangkok,Bangkok,Thailand
Raipur, Feb 1 (IANS) The peace talk offer by the Maoists to the
Chhattisgarh government is a "well thought out ploy of the guerrillas
to buy time to ...

More news can be found with full coverage at...

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Praveen Manikpuri
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